Master, PhD, and Postdoc Positions in Brazil and France
Posted by Stefano Tiozzo, on 21 November 2014
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
We are recruiting researchers at different levels to join a 4-years international project, DEVODIVERSITY, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherché (ANR) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The Brown Lab at the Instituto de Biociências in Brazil (USP) and the Tiozzo Lab at the Villefranche-sur-Mer Developmental Biology Laboratory in France (CNRS-UPMC) will study the evolution of regeneration, asexual reproduction, and clonality in several species of ascidians (Urochordata), and examine how ecological factors affect distribution ranges, evolution of life cycles, and developmental strategies.
DEVODIVERSITY has the following aims:
- To resolve the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary transitions between strictly sexual reproduction to budding or high regenerative abilities among Styelidae (Ascidiacea) species.
- To provide a morphological and ecological understanding of asexual propagation (budding). We will generate detailed anatomical and developmental descriptions of budding processes, and explore if environmental conditions are associated with the use of particular budding modes.
- To compare gene pathways involved in cell function or trans/de-differentiation processes of budding and regeneration by in silico analysis of transcriptomic data.
- To launch a comparative genomic approach if styelid ascidians to better understand the evolution of major life history transitions in marine chordates, in particular the evolutionary transition from sexual to asexual propagation.
Positions available:
- 2 Postdoctoral positions (a2-year postdoc in France and a 3-year postdoc in Brazil): (1)candidate with experience in cell and molecular biology, some genomic experience will be favored and (2) candidate with experience in ecology, phylogenetics, and systematics.
- 4 Doctoral positions (two 3-year positions both in France and Brazil respectively):highly motivated candidates should have an internationally recognized Master degree.
- 1 Bioinformatician position (4-year position, only available in Brazil): the candidate must have strong competence in computer sciences or related areas. S/he should have either completed his/her doctorate OR should have five years of proven experience in information technology.
- Several Master positions (both in France and Brazil): candidates should have completed their undergraduate degrees, and preferably with some research experience.
The successful candidates will join either the Brown lab in São Paulo (Brazil) or the Tiozzo lab in Villefranche-sur-Mer (France) and will have the opportunity to do laboratory and fieldwork in both countries.
Research position salaries and applications procedures are distinct for Brazil and France; these follow the general guidelines of either FAPESP (Brazil) or ANR (France) respectively. Please submit your letter of interest, updated CV, and contact information of three references to either Federico Brown (Brazil) or Stefano Tiozzo (France). Review of applications will begin on December 2014 and continue until the positions are filled. Start date should ideally be in early or mid-2015.
Stefano Tiozzo (
Federico Brown (
Instituto Biociências (in Portuguese only):