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SciArt profiles

SciArt profiles

A series in which we profile scientists who do art (and occasionally artists who dabble in science).

Recent posts

SciArt Profile: Friedrich Bliem

Posted by , on 17 July 2024

In this SciArt profile, we meet Friedrich Bliem, who has a background in cell biology and scientific illustration and has been creating “Art in Science” paintings for decades.
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SciArt profile: Gabriela Krejčová

Posted by , on 6 June 2024

In this SciArt profile, we meet Gabriela Krejčová, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic, who enjoys making nature-inspired jewellery. Can you tell us about your …

SciArt profile: Philipp Dexheimer

Posted by , on 9 May 2024

Meet Philipp Dexheimer, whose Molecular Graffiti and scientific illustrations are inspired by the concepts and molecular aesthetics of nature.

SciArt profile: Maja Mielke

Posted by , on 10 April 2024

In this SciArt profile, we meet Maja Mielke, who is doing a PhD in functional morphology and enjoys making nature-inspired drawings.

SciArt profile: Brent Foster

Posted by , on 21 March 2024

Find out more about Brent Foster’s recent artistic projects and how he takes inspiration from the marine invertebrates he work with to create his drawings.

SciArt profile: Leonora Martínez Nuñez

Posted by , on 15 February 2024

Find out about Leonora Martínez Nuñez, scientific visualization specialist with a background in microbiology and fungal cell biology.

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Know a talented SciArtist? We’re always on the look out for new people to profile (and welcome self-nominations)

Related content

Check out our SciArt tag for a variety of posts on the intersection of art and science from the archive.

Our full archive going back to 2010 is filterable by category, tag and date.

Updated on 25 July 2023