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Posted by stemcellsjobs, on 10 November 2016
Is this you?: Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences or Computational Sciences background? Interested in applying your training to aspects of Stem Cell Biology? Passion for scientific research & hold (or expect ...Posted by the Node, on 10 November 2016
Here we highlight some developmental biology related content from other journals published by The Company of Biologists. Helio Roque and colleagues describe that flies lacking MKS, a component of the transition ...Posted by Disease Models and Mechanisms, on 8 November 2016
DMM is looking for an enthusiastic intern who wishes to gain experience in science publishing, including writing press releases, contributing to our social media activities, and supporting our Reviews ...Posted by Richard Gordon, on 8 November 2016
Gordon, N.K. & R. Gordon (2016). Embryogenesis Explained. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company. xxiii+759pp., 431 illustrations. Here’s the Table of Contents: Chapter 1: How Embryogenesis Began in Evolution ...Posted by YuuriY, on 8 November 2016
Hi, I’m Yuuri Yasuoka, a postdoc in the Marine Genomics Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). Okinawa is a subtropical Japanese island surrounded by ...Posted by Suzi, on 8 November 2016
My laboratory in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Utah has an open position for a postdoctoral fellow to work on NIH-funded projects involving FGF signaling in ...Posted by the Node, on 7 November 2016
Journal Website Content Manager Based in Cambridge, UK We are creating an exciting new role to enhance the community content on our journal websites. ...Posted by MBuehr, on 4 November 2016
At the BSDB’s Autumn Meeting on chimeras, scientist and artist Mia Buehr exhibited some of her art inspired by developmental biology. Here, she introduces her pieces. You can keep up ...Posted by the Node, on 3 November 2016
This interview by Catarina Vicente first featured in Development. Paola Arlotta is a neurodevelopmental biologist based at the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology in Boston, MA, USA. ...Posted by gcastb, on 3 November 2016
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral fellow position (scholarship) in Gonçalo Castelo-Branco´s group, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden ( Our research group is interested in the molecular mechanisms defining the epigenetic ...