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Tag: All (meta)genomics #BSDBGenSoc2020 #gelsoftwitter • Developmental Biology 100biologists 2013 2015 2018 2022 2023 unzipped 2i 3D culture 3D genome 3d glasses 3D printing 3D visualisation 3disco 3Rs 4D imaging A day in the life A-levels A-P patterning abcam academia accessibility actin actin cortex Actin monomer activity actomyosin actomyosin network ada lovelace day Adam Adam10 adaptations adhesion adipogenesis adipose tissue Adult hippocampal neurogenesis adult neural stem cells adult stem cells Advanced Imaging advent calendar advice advocacy Africa ageing Aging agriculture Agrobacterium AHF Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome AIDS airDNA Alagille syndrome alcohol Aldred Warthin Alex Gould alfred russel wallace alga algae Alison Woollard ALK1 allochrony Allometry ALS alt careers altacreers altcareers alternative careers altitude Alzheimer's disease alzheimer’s america american society for cell biology amniote amniotes amphid sheath glial cell amphioxus amusia amy webb amyloid amyloid beta AN3 anatomy ancestry ancient ancient DNA ancient genomics ancient people ancient proteins andrew hessel angelika schnieke angiogenesis Animal Behaviour animal model animal models animal research Animal-microbe animals animation animations anne ferguson-smith Anne McLaren annelid Annelida annelids anterior heart field anterior-posterior patterning anteroposterior patterning antibodies antibody antirrhinum Antony Dodd ants APL aplexone apoe4 apoptosis aposematism Appendages evolution Arabidopsis Arabidopsis thaliana archaeology archiving ARF argentina art art exhibition arteriovenous malformations arthropods article writing artificial intelligence arts ascb ascidian ascidians Ascl1 assistant professor associate professor astrocytes Astyanax asymmetry atlas ATP Synthase Atractosteus tropicus audio auditory system Australia authorship dispute autism automated phenotyping autophagy Autumn Meeting auxetic auxin auxines Aves avian avian embryos avian models award Awards AWC neurons axial development axial organiser axis axis elongation axis formation axis specification axoBase axolotl axon axon growth axon guidance axon pruning axonal growth and guidance axonopathies axons B9d2 back to school backfire effect backstory baking baldness Balfour Lecture Barcelona Barcelona Biomed Conference barley Barx1 basement membrane basic biology bat Bateson bats BBSRC Bcl-2 BDSB Bedddington Medal Beddington beddington medal beddington medal interview BeddingtonConf bee bees beetle behaviour behind the paper Behind the paper- maternal squint being confused but trying your best anyway Benoit Vanhollebeke Bergen bermuda bermuda skinks best of beta-cell beta-cells Beyond Primates BIAS Bicoid big data analysis bilateral asymmetry bilaterality Biochemical Society biochemistry biocuration biodiversity bioelectricity bioengineering bioethics biography bioimage analysis bioimage informatics bioinformatics biologists biologists @ 100 biologists100 biology Biology Open biomaterials biomathematics biomechanical signaling biomechanics biomedical sciences biomimcry biomimetic biomimetics Biophysics biotech bipolar cells birds birth defects birthday birthweight Black Death blackcap bladder blastocoel blastocyst Blastoid Blastoids blindness blogging blogs blood blood cells Blood Vasculature BMP BMP signalling Boc body fluid Bombyx bone bone development bone morphology bones Book book review books bootstrap Borg boston Boston College Bouncer bowhead whale Boxplot brain brain development Brain Lymphatics brain wiring brains branching Brazil BRCA breeding Brexit bristles British Embassy British Society for Cell Biology British Society for Developmental Biology brown algae Bruce Cattanach BSCB BSCB meetings BSDB BSDB archive BSDB committee bsdb meeting BSDB meetings BSDB Spring Meeting BSDBnews BSMB bullying butterflies butterfly c-subunit C. elegans C57BL/6N cachexia cadherin CAHS proteins Cajal-Retzius cells calcium calcium signalling calendar California call for papers cambium cambridge CaMK-II camouflage Canada cancer cancer biology cancer cells Cancer Research canine evolution cannabis cannibalism Canvas capacity building Capicua capitella capybara car park cardiac cardiac neural crest cardiac regeneration cardiomyocytes cardiovascular cardiovascular development Cardiovascular Medicine Cardiovascular system career career planning career structure Career Symposium Career Workshop Careers careers advice carnivorous plants Caroline Dean Carrie Partch Cartilage cassiopea cat categorical data cavefish cavitation CCR5 receptor CD34 CD4 cells CDK Cdk5 Cdk5a Cdkn1a Cdx1 Cdx2 cecilia lindgren ceilidh cell cell adhesion cell assemblies cell bio cell biology cell cell signaling cell culture Cell cycle cell cycle oscillator Cell cycle regulation cell death cell differentiation cell division cell dynamics cell fate Cell fate decision cell fate decisions Cell lineage Cell matching cell migration cell or developmental biology cell plasticity cell polarity cell potency cell proliferation cell shape cell signaling cell signalling cell sorting cell specification cell surface mechanics cell therapy cell wall cell-cell communication cell-types cells cellular communication cellular identity centenary Central dogma centromeres centrosome cephalopod cephalopods cerebellum cerebral cortex cetuximab CFS/ME cg5830 Chameleon champalimaud chart chemical biology Cheryll Tickle Medal chick chick embryo chick meeting chicken chicken conference chicken embryo Chicken sexer child development Chile chimera chimeras china ChIP-seq chirality chlorophyll chloroplast chondrogenesis Chordate chordin chris hemsworth Christian Ottensmeier chromatin Chromatin and epigenetics Chromatin-based regulation of development chromosomal instability chromosomes chronic pain chronotypes cichlid cilia ciliogenesis ciliopathy Ciona Ciona intestinalis circadian rhythms citation citations citizen science Cladonema clams classics cleanroom cleft palate climate change clock genes clonal analysis clonal labelling cloning cluster CLV1 cnidarian COB workshop COBHumanDev cobworkshop0911 cockroach code coding coffee cognition cohort studies Col4a2 cold spring harbor collaboration Collagen IV colon Colonial tunicate colonisation colonoscopy Color Color blindness Color vision deficiency colorectal cancer column comic Comics commentary communication communications communities community community engagement Company of Biologists Company of Biologists workshop comparative comparative embryology comparative genomics compass compensation competition complex systems computation computational biology Computational modeling computer science conception concise conference conferences confidence interval Congenital Anomalies connective tissue conservation contact inhibition contest Control of gene expression convergent evolution cookies cooking COP1 COP26 Cordelia Langford coronavirus cortex cortical development cortical morphogenesis Cos2 Cosy Science cotton Countdown to 2022 course course report courses courtney hanna cover cover competition cover image covers covid COVID-19 COVID19 CpG crafts cranial neural crest craniofacial craniofacial development Cre creative writing CreER CreERt2 Crepidula fornicata crick Crick-Beddington Symposium cricket CRIPR crispr crispr design CRISPR-Cas9 CRISPR/Cas9 crochet crocodile crop science cross crowd funding crumbs2 csf cshl CSPG4 CTCF ctDNA ctenophores Cubitus interruptus culturally relevant pedagogy culturally relevant teaching culture CURE cuttlefish CVL2 CVL3 CXCL12 CXCR4 cyclin cytokinesis cytonemes cytoskeleton Czech Republic D'Arcy Thompson d’arcy thompson Dachsous DamID dancing Danio DanStem Daphnia Darwin data data analysis data manipulation data mining data science data visualization Data Viz data viz; images; training; figures; data; database Databases datavis DataViz dauer larvae dave grattan dBigH1 Dchs1 de novo gene de-extinction deadlines dedifferentiation deep learning deep-sea animals defense Del1 dementia dendrites denisovans Denmark Dennis Bray Dennis Summerbell Award desiccation design Dev25 devbio devbiol write club devbiowriteclub developing brain developing news development Development and Metabolism Development cover development meeting development presents development. editorial Developmental and Regenerative Medicine Developmental Biology Developmental cell Developmental constraints developmental disorders Developmental Mechanobiology developmental neurobiology developmental processes developmental programming developmental tempo developmental timing DevMeeting23 postcards devpres DevSImetabolism diabetes diapause dicer dicty difference Differential Growth differentiation digestive system digital illustration digits dinosaur direct to consumer direct-to-consumer genetic test directed differentiation direwolves disability in research Discussion disease disease modelling disease models Disease Models & Mechanisms diversity diving division Dlx DMDD DMM DNA DNA biding DNA damage dna extraction DNA genetics DNA methylation DNA profiling DNA sequencing DNA structure dna today DNA vaccines DNMT documentary dog doggybone DNA dogs DOHAD Dolly Dopamine DOR protein DORA dorsal aorta dorsal axis dorsal localization dorsal root ganglia dorsoventral patterning double helix Down syndrome drawing dresden droso4schools Drosophila Drosophila melanogaster drug delivery drug development drug discovery drug therapy drug use drugs DSHB Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Dundee dunning kruger durham university Dutch Hunger Winter dwarf dynein E-cadherin E. coli ear development early career researcher early career researchers early development early embryo early embryogenesis early-career researcher earthquake Ecdysozoa ecdysteroid echidna echinoderm echinodermata echolocation ECM eco-devo Eco-Evo-Devo ecosystem ECR ectoderm ectodermin EDBC EDI Edinburgh Edith rebecca Saunders editor editorial eDNA Education Effect size EGFR Egg chambers EGGED eggs electron microscopy electrophysiology electroporation electroreception elephant elephants Elizabeth Clare ELLS ELLS Webinar EMBL EMBO embrionic development embryo Embryo manipulation embryo models embryo phenotyping embryo research Embryo2018 embryogenesis embryoid bodies embryologenesis Embryologist embryology Embryology course embryonic embryonic development embryonic stem cells embryonic-lethal embryos Emerging research organism EMT ENCODE endangered species endo-siRNA endocytosis endoderm endogenous retroviruses endoplasmic reticulum endoreplication endosymbiosis endothelium energetics energy dissipation engagement engineering engrailed enhancer enhancers ENS enteric nervous system entrepreneurship environment environmental DNA environmental impact enzymes EPAS1 Eph/ephrin epiblast epidemic Epidemiology epidermal cell epidermis Epigenetica epigenetics epigenetics and gene expression epilepsy EpiSC epithelia epithelial cell polarity epithelial cells epithelial morphogenesis Epithelial polarity epithelial stem cells epithelial tube epithelial tube elongation epithelium Equality Equity ER Erk ES ES cells ESC Escort Cells essay essay competition essay contest essay series Estimation ethics ETV4 eugenics Euro-BioImaging EuroEvoDevo eurostemcell eurostemcells eusocial eusociality Eve event events evo devo evo-devo EvoDevo EvoDevoPanAm evolution evolutionary biology evolutionary developmental biology Ewa Snaar-Jagalska Excretory system Executive director Exeter exhibition exosome exosomes experience expertise expression patterns external genitalia extinction extracellular matrix Extrachromosomal DNA extraembryonic extremophiles Eya1 Eyal Maori eye eye development eye disease eye morphogenesis eyes F1000 facebase facebook faces facial recognition Facility faculty position family FAmily G FASEB fashion Fat4 fate mapping FatJ Fauna Bio feather feathers Featured resource FEBS feedback fellowship Fellowships fertilisation fertiliser fertility fertilization FGF fibroblast growth factors fibronectin field work fieldwork Figure design Figures filial cannibalism film Filopodia adhesion fin finch finches fingerprints Fins development first issues fish Fish disease models FishMed2018 flight floral transition flow cytometry flowering plant flowers fluid flow Fluorescence imaging fly FlyBase FocalPlane FocalPlane features FocalPlane Network Follicle Stem Cell food forced sterilisation forces forebrain development forelimb forelimb development forensic science forgotten classics fossils Foxj1 fracking france Francis Crick francis crick institute Francis Galton franklin Fred Sanger Freiburg french flag FRET Friday Harbor Labs Frizzled frog Frontiers fruit flies fruit fly full professor funded internship Funding fungi future Future of Research Fzd6 G1 phase Gairdner Awards gametogenesis gametophyte gastrulation gastruloid gastruloids GATA6 geckos geentics Geminin gender equality gene drive gene editing gene expression gene function gene loss gene networks gene ontology gene regulation gene regulatory network gene regulatory networks gene therapy genes genesis genesis machine Genetic Anomalies genetic conservation genetic counselling genetic disorders genetic engineering genetic fingerprinting genetic modification Genetic oscillators genetic screen genetic screens genetic techniques genetic testing genetic toxicology genetically engineered mouse models genetics Genetics Society Genetics Unzipped genital tubercle genitals genitourinary genome genome editing genome engineering Genome Sequencing Genomes genomic imprinting genomics genotype geometry George Church george streisinger germ cell germ cell tumors germ cell tumours germ cells germ line germ plasm germany germline germline stem cell germline stem cells Gerris GfE gfp gganimate ggplot2 giants GIFs gigantism Giles Oldroyd glamour glaucoma Gli glia glial cells global citizen glutamate glycosylation glyphosate GMO Google Docs Gordon McVie Award grad school gradient graduate graduate jobs graduate school grafting grant grants Graph Graphical abstract gravity GRC green lab greenlabs greg radick Gregor Mendel Grhl2 GRN ground squirrel group leader Growth growth and form growth factors growth hormone Grp126 GSC GUDMAP guide gunes taylor Gurdon gurdon institute Gurdon Studentship Gurdon studentships gut GWAS gynandromorph gynoecium H2A.X H2A.Z H3K27me3 haematology haematopoiesis haematopoietic cells haematopoietic stem cells Haematopoietic system haemogenic endothelium haemoglobin Haemophilia hair follicle hamsters Hand2 hannah rees hatching hawfinch HDBI HDBR headfold health health effects healthcare hearing hearing and deafness heart heart attack heart development heart regeneration heat flow heat shock heatmap Hedgehog height hematopoiesis hematopoietic stem cells hematopoietic system hemichordate Henry Lynch hepatitis hepatocytes heredity heredity fieldwork grant heritability hermaphrodite herzog hESC heterochrony heterogeneity HFEA Hh hhmi hibernation Hif-1a high-throughput screening highlight hindbrain HINTW. Hippo Hippo pathway hiPSC histology histone histone 1 histone modifications histone variants history History archive history of genetics history of science HIV HMG-CoA reductase HMR-1 holoprosencephaly homeobox homepage homo sapiens honest conversations honeybee Hong Kong horizontal gene transfer hormones host-parasite interactions hourglass how to Hox Hox genes HREM HSCs hub Hubrecht Institute human human ancestors Human biology human cell culture human development human disease model Human embryo human embryology human evolution human genetics human genome Human Genome Project human health and disease human life human neocortex human origins Human preimplantation embryo human remains humanities humour hunchback Hungary Huntington disease Huntington's Disease Hyaloid vessel Hydra hydractinia hydrogel hypothesis hypoxia iBioMagazine iBioSeminars ICAR2012 IGF/Insulin signalling IIMCB IIMCBinWarsaw IISER IKNM Illumina illustration image image analysis image competition image contest image data ImageJ images images. imaging imaging imaging analysis immune immune response immune system immunity immunoassay immunodeficiency immunology immunotherapy impact factor IMPC Imperial College London implantation implantation blastocyst imposter syndrome imprinting in preprints in situ hybridization in the news In this issue in vitro culture in vitro models in vitro systems INCENP inclusion inclusive fitness inclusivity India indiana indigenous induced pluripotent stem cells induction industry infection infectious disease infertility inflammaging inheritance innate inner ear inositol phosphate InSDB insect neuroscience Insect wings insects Institut Pasteur insular dwarfism insulin insulin pathway integrin integrin signalling Integumentary nanostructures interactive interdisciplinary meeting intern International international conference international course International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw international society for developmental biology International Society for Stem Cell Research internet internet highlights interneuron intersection interview interview chain interviews intestinal intestinal stem cells Intestine intestines intolerance intracellular trafficking invertebrate invertebrate embryology iPS iPS cells iPSC iPSCs isdb ISDB 2017 isdb2013 isothermal calorimetry isotropic growth isscr isscr meeting isscr2013 ist austria IVF IZFS Jacek Kuźnicki jack the ripper Jag1 JAK/STAT james costa James Watson Japan jaw size JBS Haldane JEB JEEM Jeffreys jellyfish jerboa jerboas jet lag jewellery jim costa Joao Pedro de Magalhaes João-Pedro de Magalhães job Job hunting job market job opportunities job opportunity joboffer Jobs Jobs in Science Joe Marsh John Gurdon John Tregoning journal journal club journal cover journal meeting Journal of Anatomy Journal of Cell Science journalism journals jsdb JSDB 2010 junior PI junk dna Kadeem Gilbert kakapo keratinocyte kevin mitchell kicheva kicheva lab kidney kidney development killifish kin recognition kin selection king king richard kira dineen Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser Klf5 knockout knockout mice knoepfler lab KNOX Kobe KRP2 Kupffer's L-DNA L-R patterning lab class lab culture lab equipment lab life Lab meeting lab size Lab Technician lab video lab visit Laboratory of Protein Metabolism in Development and Aging lactose lacZ Lamarckian Evolution Lamin A/C lamprey language Larvae LASDB lasker awards lateral line Latin America laurence hurst Leadersip leaf evolution learned societies lecture left-right asymmetry Lefty Lego Leicester leptin lewis wolpert Lgl-1 Lhx Lhx2 libraries licensing lid LIF life cycles Life science lifespan light Light-sheet microscopy lightsheet Lilianna Solnica-Krezel limb limb development limb patterning limb regeneration limbs limpet lin-42 Linda Goodman lineage analysis lineage specification lineage tracing Lineages Lipid Droplets lipid metabolism liquid biopsy Lisa Caproni literature live live imaging Live-imaging liver liverworth Living Systems Institute Exeter Lizards LMO4 LMS lockdown locomotion London long read Louisa Zolkiewski lower reproductive tract lower urinary tract loxP LR patterning LRPPRC luciferase lucy van dorp lumen lung lung development lung morphogenesis lung stem cells LUT lymphangiogenesis lymphatic development lymphatic system Lymphatics lymphopoiesis MacArthur machine learning macroH2A macrophage macular degeneration MafB maintenance maize malaria malay archipelago malignancy mammalian development mammals mammary gland manager Manchester Manchester Fly Facility MAP1B Marchantia Marine Biological laboratories marmoset marsupial mary jane kelly Mary Lyon Mary-Claire King mastodon Maternal effect maternal health maternal to zygotic transition math careers mathematical biology mathematical modeling mathematical modelling mathematics maths Matlab matriphagy Matrix Matthew Cobb matthew jarron Maud Slye Maurice Wilkins mayfly mbiol MBL MBT MC culture mean mechanical cooperation mechanics mechanism mechanobiology Meckel syndrome Med12 Medaka Medal winner Medals media median medical research medical science medicine medulla medusa meeting meeting highlights meeting report meeting report; MZT; Maternal to zygotic transition; MBT; Mid Blastula transition; ZGA; Zygotic genome activation meeting reporter meeting summary meetings meetup megakaryocyte meiosis Meis melanocytes melatonin membrane biology membrane localisation membrane potential membrane tension memorial Mendel mental health mentoring mentorship meristem MERLN Institute MES1/SRC1 mesenchyme mesoderm Mesp2 message in a bottle MET metabarcoding metabolic disease Metabolism metamorphosis metastasis methods methylation Metrics Mexican gar Mexico MIA Mice micro-LED microbes microbiology microbiome microelectrode array microfabrication microfluidic microfluidics microglia microglia cells micropattern micropatterning micropeptides microRNA microRNA-9 microscopic microscopy microstructure microtubule microtubules middle ear migration military milk Miller Urey MinION miR-124 miR302/367 miriam liedvogel miRNA miRNAs misconceptions misconduct mitochondria mitochondrial DNA Mitosis mitotic spindle model organism model organism database model organisms model systems Modeling modelling modENCODE moesin MOL2 molecular molecular biology Mon2 money monoclonal antibodies monotreme monthly preprints Montreal Morgan morphogen morphogen gradient morphogen gradients morphogenesis morphogens morpholinos morphology morula mosaics mosquito moss motisis motorneuron specification motorneurons moulting mouse mouse blastocyst mouse development mouse disease model mouse embryo mouse embryology mouse genetics mouse model mouse models mouse oocytes mouse retina movie MRC MRC DTP MRC Human Genetics Unit MRC National Mouse Genetics Network mRNA mRNA vaccines MTOC mTOR mucociliary mucociliary epithelium multi fluorescence multi-photon multicellular development multicellularity Multiciliated cells multicultural education mummy murine urogenital system development muscle muscle development muscle loss muscoskeletal musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal system museum mushroom body music mutagenesis mutant mutation mutations mutlicellularity Mutographs MWSDB Mxtx2 mycorrhizal fungi myelination myoblast fusion myogenesis myosin myosin II myotome myscicareer myths naked mole rat naked mole rats nanodots Nanog nanopore nanos1 Nasonia Natalie Frankish native american natural selection nature NC3Rs NCBS NCC neanderthal neanderthals negative findings nematode nematostella neocortex neonatal death Nepenthes nephron nephronectin nervous system nervous system evolution nervous system formation Network network analysis networking Networks NEUBIAS neural neural circuit development Neural Circuit Formation neural crest neural development neural migration neural plate. ephrin signaling neural stem cells neural tube Neuro biology Neuro degeneration neuroanatomy neurobiology neuroblast neuroblastoma neuroblasts Neurodegeneration neurodegenerative diseases neurodevelopment neurodevelopment research neurodevelopmental disorders neuroepithelial cells neurofilaments neurogenesis neurogenin 2 Neuromab Neuromesodermal progenitors neuromuscular neuron Neuronal differentiation neuronal patterning neuronal remodeling neurons neuropeptides neuroregeneration neuroscience neurulation neutral drift new PI New PI diaries new tissue formation New Zealand news news & views news and views newsletter newt Next Generation Sequencing NFATC1 niche Nigeria NIH NIMR nitrogen fixing Nkx2 NMMP NMY-2 nobel Nobel Prize Nodal nodal flow Nodal signaling node Node doodle Node Network Node survey Nodebirthday non-coding non-coding RNA non-coding RNAs non-human primates non-junctional non-model organism non-model organisms non-muscle myosin II Normalisation Normalization Norway Norwich Notch notochord development novelties Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biolog Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology now and then NPH3-like Nr5a receptor nuage nuclear envelope nuclear migration Nuclear properties nucleolus Nucleome nucleotides nucleus Null hypothesis number Nurse review nurture nuture obesity obituary Oct1 Oct4 Octopus oesophageal cancer OIST olfactory epithelium OMA-1 OMA-2 omics On Growth and Form oncogenes oncology Oncopeltus onychophoran oocyte oocyte polarisation oogenesis open data open microscopy opossum opportunities opsin Opsin 5 opsin 6 optic cup optic lobe optical optical tools optimisation Optogenetics organ organizer organogenesis organoid organoids origins origins of life oscillations osteogenesis Ottoline Leyser outer space outflow tract outreach outreach series ovarian follicles ovary owen greenwood oxford oxygen oxygen consumption Ozempic p-value p53 paabo paediatric cancers paedomorphism paid tuition Pak1 palaeontology pancreas pancreatic specification pandemic panel PAR PAR proteins ParaHox parasite Parhyale Paris Parkinson's disease parternship party pasteur patent patent law pathogen patients patriphagy pattern Pattern Formation patterning Paul Hurd Paul Nurse Pauline Gross pavement cells Pax6 PcG PCP PCR PDGF peas pectoral girdle pediatric cancers peer review pelvic ganglion pelvic urethra peptides peripheral nervous system permanent personal genome personal genome sequencing personality perspective pesticides Peter Ratcliffe peter teske pH phage phage group phagocytosis phallic urethra pharmaceuticals phase separation phase transition PhD PhD comics PhD funding phd life PhD position PhD positions PhD programme PhD student PhD students PhD studentship phdcareer Phdchat phdcomics phenotype phenotype analysis PhenStat philosophy of science phospatidylinositol 4-kinase phosphatase phosphoinositides photo shoot photoperiodism photoshop photosynthesis Phox2 phylogenetics phylogenomics phylogeny Physarum physics Physiology PIE-4 pig pigmentation PIN Pioneer Factors pipt piRNA pitcher plant pitcher plants pitx2 PIWI PKA Pkd1l1 Pkd2 placenta plagiarism plague planar cell polarity planaria Planarian planarians plankton plant plant development plant genetics plant growth plant research plant sceince Plant Science plants plasmid plasticity platyhelminthes platynereis platypus pleiotropy PLOS Biology plot PlotTwist pluripotency Pluripotent stem cells PNS podcast podcasts Poland polarity polarized epithelial cells pole plasm poll pollution polycomb polydactyly polyphenism polyploidy Pontus Skoglund pop culture popular science population asymmetry population genetics porencephaly Porifera Portland Portugal position post-doc post-doc offer postbaccalaureate postcard competition postcards postdoc postdoc california postdoc position postdoc position in Barcelona Spain postdoc position in USA postdoc positions postdocs Postdoctoral postdoctoral fellow postdoctoral fellow job Postdoctoral Fellowship Postdoctoral position Postdoctoral positions in USA postdoctoral researcher poster Poster prizes posters postnatal development Pou domain PRBB precursor cells pregnancy preimplantation development preLights preLists preoptic area preprint preprint list preprints press coverage press release primary cilia primers primitive endoderm primitive streak primordial germ cell principal investigator Principles of developmental biology Prion like protein Priya Crosby Prize Prizes professional development professor progenitor cells progenitors Programme prolactin proliferation promoters prostate gland protein folding protein interactions protein trafficking proteomics protocol pseudocolour pseudoscience pseudostratified pseudostratified neuroepithelia psl Pten pub public attitudes public awareness public engagement public outreach public understanding publication publication bias publishing punnett python Qatar quail quality Quantification quantitative biology Quantitative embryogenesis quantitative live imaging queen Queen Mary University of London Question of the Month quiescence quintay Quiz R r-spondin rabbit race racehorses rachel freathy Rachel Wong racism radial glia radial intercalation radical by nature radio RanBPM Randall Peterson random randomization test Raphael Weldon rare disease rare diseases RAS inhibitor rats Ray Gosling Rbl2 reactive oxygen species Rebecca Coffey recordings Reed College regeneraiton regeneration regeneration retrospective Regenerative Medicine registered scientists relatives religion remodeling replacement report reporter repository reproducibility reproduction reproductive system reprogramming resampling Rescaling research research assistant research blogging research culture research integrity research internship research scientist Research Topic researcher resource resources respiratory system retina retinal development retinal regeneration retinitis pigmentosum retinoic acid retinoid acid signaling retractions retreat retrovirus Reverse transcriptase review reviews RGCs RHO RhoGTPases rhythm ribosomes rice richard 3 richard iii RIKEN CDB Ring1Bm RNA RNA binding proteins RNA biology RNA polymerase RNA viruses RNA World rna-seq rnai rnai screen robin lovell-badge Robinow syndrome Robinson Crusoe Island Robo Robustness Rock2b rodent rohin francis RON root nodules Rosa Beddington Rosa Beddington Fund rosa cheesman Rosalind Franklin Royal Institution royal jelly royal society RP RPK2 rss rstats rt-pcr RTK Rufus ruth garde Ryszard Maleszka SAD kinase sainsbury lab Sainsbury Laboratory Salamander Salamanders salivary gland Sanger Institute santa cruz Sarah McAnulty sarcopenia sardine SARS-CoV-2 satellite cells Scale Bar Scaling Schmidtea mediterranea Scholarship schools schwann cell Schwann cells SciArt sciart profile scicomm SciCommConnect scied science science art science career decision science careers science communication science education science festival science fiction science funding science history science video Science Viz science writing ScienceViz scientific editing scientific illustration scientific operations scientific politics scientists scio12 scio13 scoliosis scotland scRNAseq scutoid SDB SDB Ethel Browne Harvey Seminar Series SDB meeting Sea anemone sea biscuit sea star sea urchin seasons Seattle SEBD secondary heart field secretion see urchin segmentation Segmentation Clock Selaginella selector self-nomination Self-organisation self-organization self-renewal selfish gene selfish genetic elements semi-aquatic bugs seminar sensor Sensory Development sensory organs sepal sequencing Seville sex sex chromosomes sex determination sex differences sex ratio sex reversal sexual cannibalism sexual selection sexual size dimorphism sfbd SfN shape shark sheep shell SHF SHH shift work Shinya Yamanaka shipwreck shoot apical meristem show and tell SI - The Immune System in Development and Regeneration siblicide SICB sign language signaling signaling networks signaling pathways signalling signalling networks Signalling pathways significance silencer simulation singapore single cell genomics single cell OMICs single-cell siRNA sister journals Six2 size skate skates skeletal skeletal muscle Skeleton skills skin skin appendages skin scales skull shape Skype a scientist sleep sleep phase disorders slipper limpet Slit small intestine small multiples smORFs snail snake snakes snapdragon Soay social impact social media societies society software somites somitogenesis sonic hedgehog Sox Sox10 Sox2 Sox9 space space travel Spain Spallanzani Spatial Spatial Transcriptomics SPBD Special issue Specials species species specificity Specific Language Impairment spectraplakin speech Spemann Graduate School sperm spermatogenesis spider spinal cord spindle spine spiracular branch tracheoblasts spiralia splicing spreadsheet spring meeting sqt squid squint SRY stage Stanford starvation statistics stats STEM stem cell stem cell awareness day stem cell beauty Stem Cell Biology stem cell institute stem cell niche stem cell research stem cell tourism Stem cell transplants stem cells StemCellTalks Steve Wilson stickleback stochasticity stomach stomach development stomata storify Story stress strigolactone structures studenship student studentship studentships summer course Summer school summer studentship 2022 sundew superbug superheroes superplot surnames survey sustainability sustainable events Suv39h1 SV2A Svante Pääbo sweden symbiosis symmetry sympathetic nervous system Symposium synaptogenesis syncrotron Synthetic Biology synthetic DNA synthetic embryo systems biology TADs tag Takahashi TALENs talk talks Tanya Renner tarang mehta tardigrade Tasmanian devils tattoos taxonomically restricted gene taxonomy TCF Tcf4 TDP-43 teachers teachers residency Teaching teaching resource teaching resources tech technique techniques technology ted Teeth Tel Aviv University telocytes telomeres temperature Temporal data temporal patterning tendon Tenure Track tenure-track position terminalia termite testicular cancer testis testudines textbook TGFbeta thalassemia The The Company of Biologists The Crick The Francis Crick Institue The Francis Crick Institute The Genesis Machine The Genetics Society The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium The Journal of Experimental Biology The Mole the Netherlands the Node the Node correspondents The People behind the Papers The Royal Society theater theoretical biology theoretical physics theory therapy thesis thomas boothby three dimensional thymus Tidy Tidy Data tilapia time-lapse timelapse timeseries timing tipart tips Tishkoff tissue architecture tissue biology tissue culture tissue engineering tissue growth tissue mechanics tissue morphogenesis tissue regeneration Tle4 tobacco Toll Tollo tomato tools Tooth tooth development topology TOR touch sensing Touchlight toxicology tracheal morphogenesis traffic trafficking training Trans-differentiation transcription transcription factor transcription factors transcriptome transcriptomics transdetermination transdifferentiation transformation transgenerational epigenetic inheritance transgenic transgenics translational translational control translational research transmissible cancer transposon trap travel travel fellowship Travel Grant travel grants travel incentives traveling fellowships travelling travelling fellowship travelling fellowships treatment tree Tree of Life tribal and indigenous populations tribolium trichome tricks trigone trophoblast trophoblast giant cell trophoblast stem cells trunk TSC Tsukuba Tubifex tubifex tumor tumor development tumor invasion tumor suppressor pathway tumorigenesis tumorignesis tumour tumour development tumour environment tumour growth tumour progressionadenoma Tunicate turi king turing Turing patterns Turkey turtle turtles twinning Twist1 twitter ubiquitin promoter Ubx UC Davis jobs UEA ufc Uganda UK UK Biobank Ulrike Bauer ultrastructure UNC chapel hill UNC-3 uncertainty undergraduate underserved communities unfolded protein response University university college london University of Copenhagen University of Oxford University of Warwick unzipped UPR ureter urethra urethral plate urogenital sinus US usa utah utah fish conference Uwe Strähle vaccination vaccine vaccines variability variable variants of unknown significance variation vascular Vascular Biology vascular development vascular pathfinding vasculature VEGF Ver-1 vernalisation vernalization vertebral column vertebrate evoltuion Vertebrates video videos Vienna VIH Vikings virtual conference virtual event virus viruses visceral endoderm vision visual system visualisation visualization visualiztion Vladimir Korzh volvox VR Waddington waddington medal wallace line Warsaw wasp water water-to-land transition watson wax web conference web tool webbing webinar webinars wechat Wegovy weight loss welcome wellcome image awards wellcome trust wettable Wetware wheat Whole embryo transplantation whole-mount analysis wilkins William Bateson WIMM winter Wise Wiston House Wnt Wnt signalling Wnt9b wobble wolf Wolpert Wolpert medal women women in genetics women in science woods hole Woods Hole MBL woodwork word count worker working from home workshop workshops world cell race worm WormBase worms wound healing writing Writing competition writing tips WUSCHEL X inactivation X-linked diseases X-ray tomography Xenbase xenobiology Xenopus Xenopus laevis Xenopus tropicalis xenotransplant xenotransplantation Xist Xlfc XNA Y chromosome Yamanaka Yanick Crow yeast YEM2011 YEM2012 yen yersinia pestis Yki Young Embryologist Network Young Embryologists meeting YouTube Yukiko Yamashita zebra finch zebrafish zebrafish 2013 zebrafish conference zebrafish embryogenesis zebrafish meeting zebrafish research zebrahub Zika zinc finger nucleases zoo zoology Zosia Miedzybrodzka β-amyloid
Job type: All PI Postdoc PhD Research assistant Research technician Lab manager Other
Country: All Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Virgin Islands British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo (Brazzaville) Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao PDR Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, Republic of Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Réunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint-Barthelemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint-Martin (French part) Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname * Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania *, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Virgin Islands, US Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Scientific field: All Cardiovascular development Cell biology Cell fate control and differentiation Chromatin and epigenetics Computational and systems biology Development and disease Early embryogenesis Evo-devo and eco-evo-devo Gametogenesis and fertilisation Gene regulation Growth control Haematopoiesis Homeostasis and aging Metabolism and physiology Morphogenesis Neural development Organogenesis Patterning Plant development Quantitative biology and modelling Regeneration Signalling Stem cells Tissue engineering and organoids Not applicable
Model system: All Arabidopsis C. elegans Cell culture Chick Drosophila Human Mouse Organoid Other - invertebrate Other plant: Other - plant Other - vertebrate Xenopus Zebrafish Not applicable
Duration: All Permanent Fixed term
Author: All
Year: All 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
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