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Posted by the Node, on 5 October 2023
Catch up on the talks on neurodevelopment and regeneration from Baptiste Libé-Philippot, Idoia Quintana Urzainqui and Leo Otsuki.Posted by the Node, on 4 October 2023
Our second webinar in October will be chaired by Development’s Associate Editor Irene Miguel-Aliaga (Imperial College London) and features three early-career researchers studying metabolism and development, which coincides with the ...Posted by the Node, on 18 September 2023
Development’s journal meeting, Unconventional and Emerging Experimental Organisms in Cell and Developmental Biology, took place between 17-20 September at the beautiful Wotton House in Surrey, UK. We’re delighted to be ...Posted by the Node, on 8 September 2023
Our first webinar in October will be chaired by Development Editor Debby Silver (Duke University) and features three early-career researchers studying neurodevelopment and regeneration. The webinar will be held using ...Posted by the Node, on 9 August 2023
Catch up on the talks on the topic of evo-devo from Hannah Gruner, Seth Donoughe and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano.Posted by the Node, on 28 June 2023
Catch up on the talks on the topic of growth and morphogenesis from Patricio Pérez-Henríquez, Stefania Tavano and Stefan Harmansa.Posted by the Node, on 14 June 2023
Our August webinar will be chaired by Development Editor Cassandra Extavour (Harvard University) and features three early-career researchers studying evo-devo. The webinar will be held using Zoom with a Q&A ...Posted by the Node, on 9 June 2023
Catch up on the talks from the May webinar on the topic of in vitro and stem cell-based models of development.Posted by the Node, on 24 May 2023
Join us on Wed 21 June at 16:00 BST to hear three talks on growth and morphogenesis.Posted by the Node, on 9 May 2023
Our next Development presents... webinar will be on 31 May 2023 at 16:00 BST.