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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project

Posted by , on 11 July 2023

The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project is a 6 week course designed to advance the awareness, self-efficacy, and the ability of faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students to cultivate inclusive STEM learning ...

Learning developmental biology: a Chinese experience

Posted by , on 6 June 2019

Here we hear the experiences of three students who completed a developmental biology course in Zhiyuan College in Shanghai, as well as an introduction to the course by organiser Guojun Sheng ...

Introducing introductory biology students to primary scientific literature: why it matters

Posted by , on 19 February 2019

A successful undergraduate science education includes teaching students science process skills, including critical analysis of primary scientific literature (PSL). Unfortunately, the use of PSL in the classroom remains limited due ...

A droso4school CPD event for teachers

Posted by , on 20 February 2018

The droso4schools initiative is an educational outreach programme run by the Manchester Fly Facility, which I had the opportunity to be actively involved in during a month-long placement (see my ...

Kicking It Up a Notch: Becoming a Culturally Relevant Science Educator

Posted by , on 19 January 2017

I want to talk about how you can take your science teaching to the next level, where young people, and especially underrepresented young people (people of color, LGBT, immigrants, girls, ...

Post-doctoral position in Skeletal Evo-Devo: Canada

Posted by , on 28 October 2016

A post-doctoral position is available in the Franz-Odendaal Bone Development Lab to study the developmental basis of the vertebrate ocular skeleton in a comparative context. Highly motivated and independent individuals ...

Mole- So now you have your own lab! Part II- The teaching monster

Posted by , on 31 March 2015

This cartoon was first published in the Journal of Cell Science. Read other articles and cartoons of Mole & Friends here.   To read part I- ‘The imposter’ click here.

'Education, Education, Education'

Posted by , on 15 October 2013

‘‘Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.’’ Benjamin Franklin.   I am in Paris. I love Paris. It reeks of the arrogance and certainty still of the ...

Bio Web Conferences - Critical discussions with developmental biologists for deep learning.

Posted by , on 10 February 2012

Dear Developmental biology community, I would like to bring to your attention a potentially valuable resource for your teaching and research endeavors.  I am a neurodevelopmental biologist at Smith College. ...

Post-doc position: Canada

Posted by , on 28 July 2011

I currently have an opening in my research group for a post-doc to investigate the development of the vertebrate skeleton.  Our lab studies the development of the neural crest derived ...

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