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3-year PhD position on environmental impact on animal development

Posted by , on 25 February 2025

Closing Date: 20 June 2025

Brief description of the project: The marine environment is under increasing thermal stress due to climate change. This is a major issue for development in poikilothermic animals that have thermal limits for correct development at the egg stage. Degradation in eggs quality has been a recent major issue in additionally for agriculture and human health. Prof Sato’s research group has been investigating the molecular basis of developmental robustness under thermal stress ( and how environmental stress could have altered developmental pathways in the evolutionary process with a special focus on maternal factors. The goal of this project is to predict development and body patterning from initial maternal input by mathematical modelling. We also aim to identify heritable phenotypes by maternal environment, but not by the genome, using surrogate fish technology.

The student will be engaged in computer programing to create a mathematical model and molecular work involving collecting tissue and RNA samples from fish and/or tunicates. Molecular work will involve collecting tissue and RNA samples and the student will have opportunity to learn RNA extraction, PCR, immunohistochemistry, HR and imaging analysis, under the guidance of Dr. Sato. In the computational work, the student will learn programming and simulation, but this requires experience and basic skills in programming using python and R.

Applicant eligibility: A female student who has Master’s degree or going to obtain Master’s degree in a relevant field of study, either in mathematical or computer science or biological sciences with a strong computational or bioinformatics component by the starting date of PhD. We are looking for motivated student interested in animal biology, developmental biology, programming with problem solving abilities as well as resilience to solve daily problems. Research experience in molecular biology and basic programming would be advantageous. This position is open to applications from all nationalities.

Application deadline: 1 June 2025 midnight JST, open until filled.

The studentship will start 01 October 2025 the earliest. Full time only.

For more details, please visit:
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