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16 positions starting 2017: Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

Posted by , on 3 November 2016

Closing Date: 15 March 2021


The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme offers talented students with a university degree from outside of Denmark an opportunity to launch their careers in the vibrant environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation research centre cluster. Sixteen students will be recruited annually for enrolment in August. For the start in August 2017, the programme will be open for applications from October 3, 2016 to December 15, 2016.

Students will be selected based on academic achievements, research experience, academic references and interviews. The interviews will take place in Copenhagen on March 19-22, 2017. The Novo Nordisk Foundation will pay for travel and accommodation for selected candidates in association with the interview visit.

General Programme Outline

The four-year programme is divided into a predoctoral year followed by three years of PhD training at one of the Novo Nordisk Foundation research centers (see below). They are based at the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Denmark.

The first year of the programme includes short rotations, a common course, common seminars and selection of a PhD project. All awardees will have to pass an examination at the end of the first year in order to qualify for the following three years of PhD education. You can find more information at the programme website.

Salary and tuition fee will be fully covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Housing is offered for the first year, in the city centre of Copenhagen, ranked as the most liveable city in the world, again, in 2016.


  • A fully completed application form submitted via the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s web-based application system before the deadline.
  • The programme is open for applicants who have received a university degree from outside of Denmark that would qualify them to enroll into a PhD programme in the country where the degree was obtained.
  • The programme is also open for applicants with Danish degrees who have at least a year of full-time research experience from outside Denmark.
  • The applicant must provide a minimum of two academic references.
  • Proof of English language skills (e.g. TOEFL or GRE scores).
  • All applicants must have lived outside Denmark for a minimum of one year leading up to the programme start date.
  • Applicants should not be resident in Denmark at the time of the application deadline.

List Of Centers and Topics

At the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR) topics are on investigating how the interaction between genes and environment affects the human metabolism. Check out the application website for more details.

At the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (CFB) topics include promoting the transformation from oil-based chemical industry into more sustainable biobased industry that meets the needs of society for chemicals and pharmaceuticals manufactured using specifically designed cell cultures: cell factories. Check out the application website for more details.

At the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR) topics are on integrative protein technologies. Check out the application website for more details.

At the Novo Nordisk Foundation Section for Basic Stem Cell Biology at the Danish Stem Cell Center (BasicStem at DanStem) topics include how to induce stem cells to differentiate into certain types of cells and the specific role of cancer stem cells in developing different types of cancer. Check out the application website for more details.

More Information

For questions about the application process or general questions about the programme, check out the programme and application websites or contact Amelia Green at

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Categories: Jobs

2 thoughts on “16 positions starting 2017: Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme”

  1. Note that the ad you commented on is from last year – but applications are currently open for this year’s call:

    We would recommend a minimum of 80 TOEFL score (6.0 (B2) IELTS score) or equivalent. Proof of English ability is essential, but we do not define a cut-off score for the TOEFL test, as we also accept applicants who have completed university-level studies of any subject taught in English.

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