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Postdoc position – Regulation of fate decisions by cell communication

Posted by , on 7 July 2017

Closing Date: 15 March 2021

The Schröterlab at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund is inviting applications for a guest junior scientist (postdoc level).

Our group works in the area of quantitative stem cell biology, asking how cell signaling regulates cell fate decisions at the single cell and the population level. We use embryonic stem cells as an accessible model system, and apply long-term time-lapse imaging in combination with quantitative data analysis to develop predictive models for cell fate decisions. The goal of this project will be to visualize and quantitatively measure cell communication via the FGF/ERK pathway in individual cells, using an embryonic stem cell model for an early fate decision of mammalian embryogenesis (Schröter et al., Development, 2015).


We are looking for recent graduates with a PhD in cell or developmental biology or a related discipline. A quantitative mindset and the willingness to collaborate with theoreticians are essential.


For the complete job ad please visit

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About the Institute

At the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology, an international team of scientists from more than 30 nations investigates the basic physical and biochemical processes in cells at the molecular level. The institute is located in the wonderful Ruhr area, the “Ruhrgebiet”. Once famous for its industrial culture and coal mining, in recent years the Ruhrgebiet has transformed into a vibrating and productive science environment. The Ruhr area is home of over 5 million people from over 200 countries, being the largest urban centre of Germany, and the third largest in Europe, after Paris and London. Apart from many theatres and other cultural sites, the region is home to many successful soccer teams, most notably the Dortmund team Borussia.

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