Graduate student positions
Posted by ADSA, on 6 September 2017
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
Our lab studies the early events of craniofacial development using teleost fish, zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Mexican tetra fish (Astyanax mexicanus) as model animals. We are particularly focused on evolution and development of the jaw structures. These include dentitions, sensory systems, and jaw bones. Formation of these structures involve complex interactions and we are interested in finding the molecular signaling pathways which regulate their development. This research addresses the questions related to the human congenital malformations and evolutionary development.
Applications are invited for fully funded studies which lead to the Master degree in Oral Biology in the area of molecular mechanisms of craniofacial development. Looking for a highly motivated student with good communication skills. Fine understanding of any of the following subjects would be highly beneficial: molecular biology, developmental biology and cell biology.
Our lab located at the Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, University of Manitoba. The University is located in Winnipeg, the largest city in the province of Manitoba, Canada. The city has a rich cultural environment and the region provides exciting opportunities for outdoor exploration and recreation in all seasons
Please forward your complete CV with a brief statement of your research interest to