Assistant Professor in Molecular Cell Biology
Posted by stephaniewoo, on 28 January 2021
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
The department of Molecular and Cell Biology in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of California, Merced is seeking one new faculty member at the Assistant Professor level (tenure-track) in the area of Molecular Cell Biology. Candidates working on any aspect of molecular and/or cell biology, from the biochemical to organismal level, are encouraged to apply. We seek outstanding scholars who will establish and maintain creative research programs, complement existing strengths in the Molecular and Cell Biology department, align with one or more of the School of Natural Sciences’ areas of strategic focus (Computational & Data Science, Materials, Biomedical Sciences, Sustainability & Environment, and STEM Education), participate in the development of innovative interdisciplinary research projects, and teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate levels.