Doctoral positions in Bioinformatics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Plant Sciences, Microbiology, Neuroscience available at the Graduate School Life Science Munich
Posted by Nadine Hamze, on 25 September 2023
Location: LMU Munich
Closing Date: 31 October 2023
9 funded doctoral positions available in the Doctoral Programme of the Graduate School Life Science Munich
Welcome to the Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM), from Molecules to Systems!
The Graduate School LSM offers an international doctoral programme to motivated and best qualified next generation researchers at one of Europe’s top Universities. The LMU is located in one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. The city of Munich with its unique mixture of cosmopolitan flair and warmth is home to 1.3 million inhabitants, and remains the political, cultural, and economic capital of Bavaria. Over the last four decades Munich has turned into one of Europe’s leading regions of science and economy. Many high-tech companies have their German or European headquarters in the Munich area. Nonetheless, it is still known to many as the “city with the kind heart”.
The LSM calls for doctoral applications on a yearly basis, currently open from the 1st of September until the 31st of October 2023.
The Graduate School Life Science Munich is part of the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacy and the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München (LMU). These excellent faculties are ranked among the top biology and biochemistry educational institutions in Germany. Together with the LMU Gene Center and the University Hospital (KUM), they belong to the HighTechCampus in Grosshadern-Martinsried south of Munich that is well-known for the international state-of-the-art research in life sciences.
As a doctoral candidate of the Graduate School LSM, you will be a part of a vibrant, diverse, active and truly international research community. We value interdisciplinarity, as it allows you to expand your research network and exposes you to new perspectives and ideas to solve complex research problems and pursue novel research findings. We aim at preparing young life scientists for the new era of molecular, systems-oriented biosciences. LSM doctorates are given the opportunity to learn and command a variety of techniques. Furthermore, the graduate programme holds various workshops and seminars to impart skills that are indispensable for every thoughtful and responsible scientist. The LSM coordination office together with the student council through the LSM buddy support initiative, we support you in many administrative matters to ensure a smooth onboarding in Munich and at the LMU.
Please find below the doctoral projects´ descriptions:
- K.Jung Group (Microbiology, Molecular Biology): - Leister Group (Botany,Plant sciences, Microbiology, Genetics, Cell biology, Physiology) - Michalakis Group (Cell and Developmental Biology, Neuroscience, Bioinformatics) - Robatzek Group (Plant Genetics,Microbiology) - Weiberg Group (Botany, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Crop Science, Plant Protection, Mycology)
- 2 DAAD-GSSP associated projects– Only international (non-German) applicants, who have not been in Germany longer than 15 months by the end of October 2023 are eligible for the DAAD-GSSP scholarship ! - 2 CSC-LMU associated projects– Only Chinese candidates are eligible for the CSC scholarship.
Further information and details about the online application process, requirements and eligibility can be found here:
Apply now through our online application portal at:
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact information:
Graduate School Life Science Munich
Nadine Hamze
LMU Munich, Faculty of Biology
Grosshadernerstr. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried, Germany
Closing Date: 31 October 2023
Scientific fields: Cell biology, Plant development
Model systems:
Duration: Fixed term
Minimum qualifications: bachelor of honours or Master degree