The community site for and by
developmental and stem cell biologists


Posts by ac270

Why Not Publish Your Antibody Validation Data

Posted by , on 15 December 2014

Antibodies are frequently used in developmental biology labs, but their validation is crucial to provide the information needed in order to reliably interpret the results of experiments. Antibody validation is ...

Lectureship available in Cell and Developmental Biology

Posted by , on 20 June 2014

We have a lectureship available in Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of Bath, UK. Please share with anybody who you think might be interested.

BSCB/BSDB Early Bird Registration Deadline is Today!

Posted by , on 7 February 2014

The early bird deadline for the BSCB/BSDB spring meeting registration is today (Friday 7th of Feb).

BSCB/BSDB 2014 Meeting- Registration is now open

Posted by , on 18 October 2013

Registration for the 2014 BSCB/BSDB Meeting to be held at the University of Warwick on the 16th-19th of March is now open. The meeting includes plenary talks from Janet Rossant and Kai Simons. ...

Antibody reporting in developmental biology journals

Posted by , on 12 September 2013

We are trying to encourage scientists and journals to work together to improve reporting of antibody experiments which is often poor. See our comment article; We would really appreciate ...

Recent comments by ac270

Hi Katherine, That is great to hear thanks. It is interesting you check at the copy editing stage, I would certainly suggest you add code number to your requirements, a large company may have 10 antibodies to a single protein. Andy.
by ac270 in Antibody reporting in developmental biology journals on September 13, 2013