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developmental and stem cell biologists

Kim Cooper

Posts by Kim Cooper

On how odd critters can answer important questions

Posted by , on 27 March 2013

Sproing! Sproing! Sproing! If there is one animal that deserves its own cartoon sound, it is the jerboa – a bipedal desert rodent with extraordinarily elongated hindlegs, fused foot bones, ...

Farish A. Jenkins, Jr (1940-2012)

Posted by , on 14 November 2012

       On the morning of Sunday, November 11th, the world lost a great gentleman scholar – Professor Farish A. Jenkins, Jr of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard ...

Homeward bound

Posted by , on 10 May 2012

It’s been longer than I’d hoped since I last wrote, but a whole heck of a lot has been going on. Monday last week, the professor in charge of international ...

And of course there's a the car

Posted by , on 28 April 2012

We have been getting pretty good videos for the past few days, but it seems the animals have realized we aren’t actually predators and have gone on strike. After the ...

Of course there are chickens...

Posted by , on 27 April 2012

We just got back from the desert about a half hour ago, at 2:30 am, after a pretty successful evening. We also went earlier in the day to build a ...

Recent comments by Kim Cooper

Also, J Gross is coming for EB/AAA - will you be here too?
by Kim Cooper in On how odd critters can answer important questions on March 29, 2013
Of course I had all of the appropriate transport paperwork allowing me to do that... I was marveling on the Red Line to Kendall yesterday how strange it's going to be to live in a city where it's not completely normal for other random passengers to be discussing their IRBs.
by Kim Cooper in On how odd critters can answer important questions on March 29, 2013
Actually, lunch yesterday was fried chicken dusted with black sesame seeds. Probably extra yummy since it was super fresh!
by Kim Cooper in Of course there are chickens… on April 28, 2012
I guess by "little vegetation", I meant little green vegetation is out yet which I'm using as one of the indicators of seasonal timing. But these guys can survive quite well just on last year's seeds and dried plants that haven't woken up yet. So I've asked them to move around to places that are more true desert with bare sand. The topology around here changes rapidly from farmland to flat scrub brush to more bare dunes, so the animals out in the bare dunes are likely to be the ones who aren't getting quite as much food. Maybe. Good suggestion about looking at the stomach contents. By "well fed", I mean how full is the whole digestive tract. Since I'm opening them up to get the embryos, that's what I've been comparing between the locations. Also the thickness of the tail is an indicator of health. But in terms of *what* they're eating, there is a lab here working on intestinal flora, so they're getting the internal organs after I take the embryos. Hopefully they'll be able to answer that question for me.
by Kim Cooper in Let the collections commence! on April 7, 2012
Jon, you're funny. I'm finding myself adding what I eat just for you. Thanks for posting comments. It's nice to have company way out here.
by Kim Cooper in Wildlife abounds, but jerboas? on March 30, 2012