Development presents… November webinar featuring BSDB prize winners
Posted by the Node, on 30 October 2024

This special edition of Development presents… features the four prize winners from the 2024 BSDB Spring meeting. Hosted by BSDB Chair, Marysia Placzek (University of Sheffield).
Wednesday 20 November – 15:00 GMT
Tamina Lebek (The University of Edinburgh)
‘PUFFFIN – Illuminating cellular neighbourhoods in model systems of development’
Callum Bucklow (University of Oxford)
‘Developmental mechanisms of macroevolutionary change in the African Cichlid vertebral column’
Hannah Bruce (University of Liege)
‘A cleaved cytosolic FOXG1 promotes excitatory neurogenesis by modulation of mitochondrial translation – a new therapeutic target for brain disorders’
Stanley Strawbridge (University of Cambridge)
‘Spatiotemporal chromatin binding strategies for transcription factors in pluripotent cells’
At the speakers’ discretion, the webinar will be recorded for viewing on demand. To see the other webinars scheduled in our series, and to catch up on previous talks, please visit: