Development presents… October webinar on neurodevelopment and regeneration
Posted by the Node, on 8 September 2023

Our first webinar in October will be chaired by Development Editor Debby Silver (Duke University) and features three early-career researchers studying neurodevelopment and regeneration. The webinar will be held using Zoom with a Q&A session after each talk.
Wednesday 4 October 2023 – 15:00 BST
Baptiste Libé-Philippot (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research)
‘Study of the role of hominid-specific genes in the development and function of human cortical neurons’
Idoia Quintana Urzainqui (EMBL, Heidelberg)
‘Studying the shark embryo to understand the origin and evolution of telencephalic cell types’
Leo Otsuki (Institute of Molecular Pathology)
‘Editing positional memory alters signalling centre output during axolotl limb regeneration’
To see the other webinars scheduled in our series, and to catch up on previous talks, please visit: