Funded PhD position studying developmental migration of Drosophila immune cells
Posted by siekhaus, on 20 May 2014
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
Regulation of immune cell migration during development in Drosophila
Seeking highly motivated, intelligent and creative student with lab experience and either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree to join a research group studying cell migration at IST Austria for their PhD.
The developmental cell biology team of Professor Dr. Daria Siekhaus is an ambitious new group at IST Austria working in the field of invasive migration of immune cells using Drosophila melanogaster. We genetically identify mutants that affect cellular barrier penetration in the embryo, and characterize them molecularly, cellularly and by live imaging. To complement our international team (working language is English), we seek applications for a graduate student to work on a project involving a mutant we have identified in a lipid metabolism enzyme that has effects on specific aspects of migration, apparently in penetrating a tissue barrier. We seek to understand how this protein functions during migration. The project would involve further genetic characterization of this mutant, live imaging of its migratory behaviors, and genetic and biochemical investigations of its function. This mutant may have a relationship to a known human disease gene and exploring that would also be part of the project as well as an investigation of its roles in vertebrate immune cell function in collaboration with the Sixt group.
IST Austria is a new dynamic interdisciplinary institute that seeks to bring the American graduate student model to Europe.
Must interview by early July 2014 and start in mid September 2014. Would present and defend a thesis proposal in a qualifying exam by the following December, and graduate within three to four years from that point.
For more information about IST Austria and the Siekhaus group please visit: and
To apply:
This funded graduate student position is available to any nationality. To apply and to ask any questions send an email to Dr. Daria Siekhaus (
Include in application:
-CV and official transcript of Bachelors and Master’s (if applicable) grades
-Personal statement (up to 2 pages) about your scientific experience, interests and career goals
– Names and contact information of three people who can write a letter of recommendation
-Any other relevant information
Siekhaus et al, Nature Cell Biology (2010)
Cho, Keyes, … Krasnow (2002)
(Review) Williams MJ J Immuno (2007)