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Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Program in Brain Sciences – The Hebrew University

Posted by , on 22 October 2020

Closing Date: 15 March 2021



The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) builds upon Hebrew University‘s record of excellence and innovation in its multidisciplinary approach to brain sciences.

ELSC invites applications for postdoctoral fellows in the following fields: theoretical and computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, molecular and cellular mechanisms, cognitive neuroscience, and neuronal circuits. Postdoctoral fellows receive a competitive stipend for a period of up to two years.



  • State-of-the-art laboratories
  • Distinguished faculty
  • Generous Postdoctoral scholarships
  • Enriched academic milieu
  • Established ties and frequent collaborations with world renowned labs
  • Opportunities to audit advanced courses
  • Rich student and postdoctoral environments
  • Postdoctoral support staff



The candidate must be (or have been) a student in an accredited institution of higher education and whose PhD training and post-doctoral projects are in the field of Brain Sciences.

The candidate’s doctoral degree has been submitted in the current year of applying or will be approved by the following year.


Candidates Commitments:

  1.  A recipient of an ELSC Fellowship must commence his/her post doctoral training no later than 5 years after completion of the PhD.
  2.  A recipient of an ELSC Fellowship must provide written approval from the authority of PhD students in his/her institute, confirming that his/her PhD has been submitted before they begin their post-doctoral training. If PhD was not yet awarded, the candidate must provide approval of a PhD during the first academic year of the post doctoral studies
  3.  A letter from the host is mandatory in order to commence the post doctoral studies
  4.  A recipient of an ELSC Fellowship must begin the postdoc training within 6 months after receiving the acceptance letter


Terms of Fellowship:

  1.  The fellowship can be extended up to 2 years, given availability of funds and the scientific achievements of the candidate. ELSC is not committed to prolong the fellowship in advance.
  2.  Preference will be given to students who completed their PhD abroad




Further details and registration:

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Categories: Jobs

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