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Postdoctoral fellowship in endocrine cell development

Posted by , on 18 July 2024

Location: Malmö

Closing Date: 31 August 2024

Beta cell replacement therapy is the only available cure for type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, donor material is scarce and large efforts are made to develop beta cells from stem cells. Understanding the mechanisms underlying embryonic beta cell development and adult beta cell function is a prerequisite for the development of a universally available cell replacement therapy in diabetes. Thus, our research aims to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control pancreatic beta cell maturation and function in the embryonic and adult pancreas. We use genetic engineering in mice, embryonic stem cells as well as biochemical, live cell imaging, and sequencing methods to understand beta cell development and function.

For more information on Lund Stem Cell Center and the groups please visit our webpages:

We are looking for a highly motivated recently graduated (within 3 years) PhD with a strong background from the developmental biology, cell biology, and/or physiology fields. Hands on experience working with mouse embryology, histology, live cell imaging, physiology, stem cell culture and molecular biology are meriting. Handling of mice is mandatory.

The lab is focused on using novel sequencing and physiology techniques to study beta cell development and function.

Interested applicants are asked to provide the following documents to

  • CV
  • Cover letter describing previous experience and career goals
  • Contact information for 3 references


Start date: 1 October 2024

Closing Date: 31 August 2024

Scientific fields: Cell biology, Cell fate control and differentiation, Gene regulation, Development and disease

Model systems: Human, Mouse

Duration: Fixed term

Minimum qualifications: PhD

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