PhD student positions in sponge and coral EcoEvoDevo
Posted by Maja, on 3 July 2017
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
Multiple PhD opportunities in EcoEvoDevo of sponges and corals are available at the Research School of Biology, Australian National University. The projects are related to regeneration, biomineralization, evolution of developmental gene regulatory networks and microbiomes, see for details. All projects provide exciting and varied research experience by combining cell and molecular biology approaches with bioinformatics and field work in temperate and tropical marine environments. The students will be based in the Adamska lab at the ANU, and will be involved in local, national and international collaborations. The successful candidates will commence the doctoral program in late 2017 or early 2018.
The positions come with substantial research and travel budgets, and the candidates are encouraged to apply for scholarships to fund personal living expenses. The ANU is administering domestic and international PhD scholarships ($26,682 per annum for a period of 3 years with a possibility of a 6-month extension). Scholarship application deadlines are 31st of August (international applicants) and 31st of October (domestic applicants). Queries regarding scholarship matters can be directed to Shortlisted candidates will receive support in preparing the scholarship applications, with a possibility of internal funding for “near miss” applicants.
Interested candidates should contact Maja Adamska by July 31st 2017, providing current CV, 500-1000 words description of research interest including preference for one or more of the listed projects, and contact details for two academic references.