Posted by egsuarez, on 14 November 2016
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research (IDIBELL) offers a postdoctoral contract to join the Transformation and Metastasis group led by Dr. Eva González-Suárez within the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC) http://www.idibell.cat/modul/area-6-programa-depigenetica-i-biologia-del-cancer/ca & http://pebc.cat/
The laboratory of Dr Gonzalez Suarez is funded by the Susan G Komen Foundation and a European Research Council ERC-Consolidator grant. The candidate will join a project focused on understanding tumor-immune crosstalk in epithelial tumors.
The primary goal of Dr. Eva González-Suárez´s laboratory is to understand the signaling pathways implicated in epithelial stem cell fate, their alterations during cancer and metastasis, and the interactions between tumor cells and microenvironment. We have a multidisciplinary approach using mouse models, cell cultures, clinical samples and molecular and cell biology techniques to translate basic research into clinically relevant results.
We are looking for motivated postdoctoral scientists holding a PhD in a relevant discipline with interest in cancer biology. Candidates must have:
– An outstanding publication record in peer review journals
– Experience working with mouse models of cancer and patient derived xenografts.
– Strong technical skills in tumor immunology, molecular biology and lineage tracing.
- The opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research projects and work closely with an international team of scientists and work in one of the leading labs in Europe.
- A 3-year full time contract, immediate start. Renewal based on performance.
- Applications must include a CV with a cover letter and contacts for 2 references
Please apply by email to: egsuarez@idibell.cat. Please, clearly state in the subject of your email “Postdoc Position” and a link to your most outstanding publication
It is frankly uninspiring that the IF is still used as a criteria to evaluate a postdoc candidate. The Impact Factor evaluates the JOURNAL, not the quality of a paper!
I’m the Executive Editor of Development, and part of the team running the Node.
The Company of Biologists and all its journals are founding signatories of DORA – the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (http://www.ascb.org/dora/).
The DORA guidelines include the recommendation, with which we whole-heartedly agree, that the community should not “use journal-based metrics, such as journal impact factors, as a surrogate measure of the quality of individual research articles, to assess an individual scientist’s contributions, or in hiring, promotion, or funding decisions.”
For further information on the Company’s position, please see our Editorial: http://dev.biologists.org/content/140/13/2643
I do agree myself with that recommendation. The requirement has been deleted.