Post-translational regulation of epidermal morphogenesis
Posted by limorbroday, on 17 November 2015
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
My laboratory is looking for PhD students to study the roles of SUMO proteases in embryogenesis. Our goal is to reveal the main targets of these enzymes during epidermal morphogenesis in C. elegans and their mode of regulation.
Highly motivated candidates with a Master degree in biological sciences and an interest in cell biology, genetics, and/or developmental biology are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants must be fluent in English (both written and spoken) and be able to work independently as well as part of an international team. Preference will be given to candidates familiar with advanced microscopy and molecular biology techniques. Interested candidates should email their CV as well as a brief paragraph describing their research interests and expertise, to Dr. Broday.
Limor Broday, Ph.D.
Dep. of Cell and Developmental Biology
Sackler School of Medicine Rm417
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978
Office: 972 3 640-6653
Lab: 972 3 640-8225
Fax: 972 3 640-7432
email: broday [at]