Posted by Bill Keyes, on 4 September 2017
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
- Post Description
A position for a Postdoctoral Fellow is available in the Department of Development and Stem Cells, in the lab of Bill Keyes, IGBMC, Strasbourg, France ( Previously, the group discovered roles for cellular senescence during embryonic development, and instructing cell plasticity and stemness in tissue regeneration and cancer. We are seeking a postdoctoral candidate to continue and develop these projects. As such, preference will be given to candidates with a proven record in developmental biology or with animal models of regeneration. These projects will involve the use of tissue culture and animal models coupled with high-throughput genomic analysis and molecular biology approaches.
For further information on the project and the work from the lab in general, see recent publications: Keyes et al, Cell Stem Cell, 2011, 8(2) 164-176; Doles et al, Genes & Development, 2012, 26(19): 2144-53; Storer et al, Cell, 2013, 155(5), 1119–1130; Ritschka et al, Genes & Development, 2017, 31(2):172-183
- Candidate requirements
- Ph.D or M.D./Ph.D. (already obtained or soon-to-be), with at least one first author publication.
- Highly motivated person with strong interest in science research.
- Interactive person, with ability to work independently.
- Good communication skills, and fluency in English is required.
- Previous experience in developmental biology will be heavily favored. Experience in molecular biology is desirable.
- Work Environment
The candidate will join an international group of scientists, working on highly competitive topics. The candidate will benefit from access to a modern well-equipped laboratory, as well as access to the IGBMC’s renowned Core Facilities and support.
- Conditions
- Starting date: January 15th, 2018
- Salary: salary is available for one year, but additional funding is sought, and the candidate will be supported to apply for competitive external fellowships.
- Application procedure
- Deadline: October 1st, 2017
- All applications must include a CV with a letter describing your motivation and research interests (past and present), and the contact information for 2-3 referees.
- Please submit your application to the following email addresses: