Stem Cells & Regeneration: Development’s online home for stem cell research
Posted by Caroline Hendry, on 15 November 2013
Earlier this year, Development launched Stem Cells & Regeneration: a website dedicated to hosting all of the journal’s stem cell and regeneration content. This online home means that you can now receive email alerts that contain only the Stem Cells & Regeneration content from Development. So if this is your main interest, sign up for email alerts now.
More than just an outlet for the latest research, Development’s Stem Cells & Regeneration page is also a home for the community. With regular posts on stem cell news, events, awards and meetings, the website will keep you up to date and in the loop of the stem cell scene.
There’s also a Stem Cells & Regeneration Image Gallery page, which shows how truly beautiful this area of science can be. Visit the Image Gallery and submit your own!

The website contains all of Development’s latest research papers covering the stem cell and regeneration fields, as well as new techniques and resources for the community. The site also offers the latest review articles, plus coverage of key community meetings such this year’s EMBO/EMBL Cardiac Biology: From Development to Regeneration report, as well as a report on the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute’s recent Physical Biology of Stem Cells meeting.
For a trip down memory lane, don’t miss the Highlighted Articles section, where we mine the archives for some truly classic Development papers, like this one from the Rossant lab in 1990.
There also a handy tool for searching particular areas within Development’s Stem Cell & Regeneration content. Or you can customise your own search here.
The launch of the website coincides with a new research section within Development, entitled “Stem Cells And Regeneration”. By doing this, Development is reaching out to the stem cell and regeneration communities,with the aim of highlighting the fundamental importance of developmental principles in these research areas. For more on why Development feels that this is important, click here.
So sign up and stay tuned as Stem Cells & Regeneration brings you the latest Development papers in the field. Engage with us and become part of your community.