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Posted by Ger Sabio, on 31 January 2012
The International course on Developmental Biology was a great experience, both instructive and mind-opening. All the students were shuttled to the remote and very small fishing village of Quintay, where ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 19 July 2011
Here’s a short “behind the scenes” on our paper about visualizing gene expression data, published in Nucleic Acids Research. When I joined James Briscoe‘s lab as a postdoc, my project’s ...Posted by kyook, on 29 October 2010
WormBase — — is the central data repository for Caenorhabditis elegans and related nematodes. C. elegans is a well-known system for studying problems in developmental biology, the benefits of ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 27 September 2010
A recent paper in PNAS describes the development of MiniPromoters: human DNA promoters of less than 4 kb, designed to drive gene expression in specific areas of the brain. The ...