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developmental and stem cell biologists

SDB meeting in Albuquerque

Posted by , on 5 August 2010

Today is the first day of the SDB meeting in Albuquerque. The program looks amazing, and I’m looking forward to many of the talks. The meeting is held jointly with the Japanese Society for Developmental Biologists, so many of the attendees came all the way from Japan.

Development and the Node are here in Albuquerque as well. You can find us at the Company of Biologists booth as well as in the audience at the talks.

We hope to summarize the meeting on the Node afterward, but could use some help, because try as we might, we can’t be everywhere at once! So if you’re at the SDB meeting, and would like to help us out by summarizing part of the event for the readers of the Node, please get in touch. You can leave a comment here, send an email, or track me down in person. We ask, at this particular meeting, that you get in touch before writing, because we’ve agreed with the conference organizers to write a report the “old fashioned way” on the Node – meaning that speakers’ permission will be asked before posting the report. If you want to write something, please do let us know and we’ll contact the speakers for you.

Here are some reports from previous society meetings on the Node:
– BSDB/BSCB meeting part I, part II, part III
SFBD/JSDB meeting
ISSCR meeting
See also our general tips for blogging from meetings.

I’m looking forward to an interesting meeting, and hope to see some of you here!

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3 thoughts on “SDB meeting in Albuquerque”

  1. If you were at the one-day Satellite Symposium on Germ cells, which was held yesterday and was organised by Ruth Lehmann and Yumiko Saga, we’d very much like to hear more about this too. So please do get in touch with myself or Eva during the meeting or send us an email.

  2. Eva, it was a pleasure meeting you in person at the SDB meeting. Thanks, Eva, for the Node mousepad (now in productive use).

    My perspective on the meeting was as an exhibitor, so while I met and chatted with many participants I did not attend many sessions — but of those I saw, I was especially interested in the work from the Gladstone Institute & UCLA presented by Stephanie Woo, a presentation titled “A novel Slit-Robo-miR-218 signaling axis regulates VEGF-mediated heart tube formation in zebrafish”. I admit to a bias toward innovative work with Morpholinos and have communicated often with one of the co-authors, Jason Fish (now at the Toronto General Research Institute (TGRI). I didn’t take detailed notes and we’ve not secured permission so I won’t write more here on their work, but watch for publications regarding the signaling directing this heart-precursor-cell migration and its miRNA regulation.

    It was a pleasure to chat with many folks in the developmental biology community, to again present a well-attended Morpholino Roundtable and to see the thunderstorms over the Albuquerque desert.

  3. Hi Jon, definitely good to get a face behind the name! I’m glad the roundtable was well-attended despite the early hour.
    I missed Stephanie Woo’s session, but will keep an eye out on the paper! I’ve approached a few people at the meeting to write something for the Node, got permission to write up one of the talks in particular (it will get its own post), and interviewed two people – one for the Node and one for Development as well as the Node – so there’ll be lots of post-SDB content on here.

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