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Posted by the Node, on 8 May 2014
As most of you will know, the Node is run by The Company of Biologists, a not-for-profit publisher of several journals, including Development. The Company of Biologists exists to benefit the scientific community, ...Posted by Catarina Vicente, on 7 May 2014
Seán Mac Fhearraigh, from PostPostDoc, recently asked me to write a post about my experiences outside academia. Because I don’t have a lot of experience yet (I have only been working ...Posted by MichaelCohen, on 6 May 2014
The NIMR are hosting the Crick Quantitative Biology Conference on June 5th. This will cover a broad range of interdisciplinary areas of research including tissue growth, cell mechanics, imaging, gene-networks, evolution ...Posted by Alexis Webb, on 6 May 2014
Development is a fascinating process that few people have a chance to see, let alone photograph! We recently participated with other scientists from the Crick Institute at a Science Museum ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 6 May 2014
Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development: Sara sorts out stem cell asymmetric division Adult stem cells play crucial roles in tissue homeostasis, giving rise to ...Posted by Christele Gonneau, on 3 May 2014
How great would it be if we knew how to reverse ageing and turn old organs into young ones? Actually, this might not be as crazy as it sounds. As ...Posted by Naiara Bazin, on 2 May 2014
6th Young Embryologist Annual Meeting Friday 27th June 2014 JZ Young LT, Anatomy Building, University College London Last call for abstracts The 6th Young Embryologist Meeting aims to bring together ...