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Posted by Seema Grewal, on 20 October 2015
Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development: Atoh1: earmarked for differentiation Atoh1 is a key regulator of the differentiation of hair cells, the sensory cells that ...Posted by stemcellsjobs, on 20 October 2015
Department/Location: Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, UK Salary: £24,775-£28,695 Reference: PS07303 Closing date: 12 November 2015 Fixed-term: The funds for this post ...Posted by gfraser, on 18 October 2015
Evolution and development of shark skin teeth inspired surface design for global CO2 reduction Dr Gareth Fraser, APS, University of Sheffield; Co-supervisors: Dr Mark Johnson, Department: School of Engineering, Centre for Engineering Dynamics, ...Posted by the Node, on 16 October 2015
Here is October’s round-up of some of the interesting content that we spotted around the internet! News & Research – Developmental Biologist Eric Davidson, who was based at CalTech, ...Posted by Daisuke Kurihara, on 16 October 2015
In multicellular animals and plants, the single-celled zygote develops into the embryo. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the zygote divides asymmetrically to form a small cytoplasmic apical cell, which ...Posted by Journal of Cell Science, on 15 October 2015
This Sticky Wicket article first featured in Journal of Cell Science. You can read the Mole’s visit to the first 5 circles of Grant Hell here. Read other articles and ...Posted by Christina James-Zorn, on 13 October 2015
Xenbase ( is the Xenopus bioinformatics and genomics resource. Xenopus is a major model for fundamental cell and developmental biology and a model for human disease. Xenbase is a totally ...Posted by Andrea Münsterberg, on 13 October 2015
PhD opportunities available here: Use the search functions for particular topics or partner institutions, which include the JIC, TGAC, IFR, TSL and the UEA.Posted by Andrea Münsterberg, on 13 October 2015
Using chick embryos we recently identified BMP/Smad and Wnt/GSK3b signals as extrinsic cues that control the migration of prospective cardiac cells. We showed that BMP and Wnt pathways converge on a ...Posted by Alistair, on 12 October 2015
New call for applications for DTP studentships in the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences at Oxford Brookes University: The application deadline is 12 noon on November 20th.