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Posted by the Node, on 6 July 2016
In this new feature, we conduct a trawl for preprints to find the latest developmental biology and related research from the previous month. Scientists are increasingly using preprints as a way of ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 5 July 2016
Here are the highlights from the current issue of Development: A pioneer role for PBX1 in neurogenesis The adult rodent subventricular zone (SVZ) is a neurogenic niche that provides ...Posted by cdemers, on 5 July 2016
Unraveling Development Embryonic development is a complex and regulated spatiotemporal ensemble of signaling cues that control cell differentiation. Most of what we now know comes from experimenting directly on embryos. ...Posted by Gary McDowell, on 2 July 2016
I woke up this morning to a Facebook reminder of where I was 5 years ago. I was in Lille, France, on a 2 month sabbatical at Université Lille 1 ...Posted by the Node, on 1 July 2016
This month we welcomed Aidan to the Node, who took over from Cat as Community Manager, and introduced himself here. He’s been enjoying settling in to the Company of Biologists office, and ...