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8th International PhD School in Plant Development

Posted by , on 9 June 2015

On behalf of the organizing committee I would like to draw your attention to the 8th International PhD School Plant Development (IPSPD VIII) (

The meeting will take place October 07-09 at Zellingen-Retzbach close to Würzburg, Germany.

Conference website:

Registration costs are 195 Euro per person (includes accommodation, meals, conference dinner, conference fee).

Registration deadline: August 14, 2015

Organizing committee: Kay Schneitz, Markus Schmid, Rita Gross-Hardt

General information:

With the growing complexity of biological research projects in the last decades it has become increasingly important for scientists to communicate and collaborate across geographical and subject boundaries. Thus, young scientists not only need to be trained early in their career to present data at international meetings and discuss it with peers and leaders in the field but also to organize chair sessions as well as to network and identify potential collaboration partners. The PhD School on Plant Development was set up in 2008 with the aim of training young scientists in these skills and give them a platform for communication and collaboration.

Plant developmental biology is an exciting and fast moving field, which has seen many breakthroughs over the last decade. However, apart from this PhD School we are not aware of a signature meeting that is aimed at international graduate students and young postdocs.

The International PhD School consists of ten successive sessions that are each introduced by an internationally renowned keynote speaker. These sessions cover a broad range of topics, such as stem cells and meristem function, vegetative and reproductive development, hormone signaling, embryogenesis, gametophyte and germ line formation, seed development, cell biology as well as aspects such as epigenetics, evolution, systems biology and mathematical modeling. It is expected that two to three PhD students/young scientists represent their research data in each of the sessions that shall be chaired by other PhD students/young scientists. It will be at their responsibility to initiate fruitful discussions and guide constructive conversations. Two poster sessions will provide extra time and informal opportunities for discussions.

The IPSPD will take place at the congress center “Benediktushöhe” in Zellingen-Retzbach, a small town near Würzburg ( This place is distinguished by its central location, which can be easily reached by train from throughout Germany, including from central international airports such as Frankfurt Airport or Nürnberg. Furthermore, past experience has shown that Benediktushöhe provides a professional seminar venue with nice rooms, excellent catering and a friendly and professional atmosphere. At the same time, the center charges moderate fees, which allows for registration costs that are easily affordable for students and young postdocs alike.

Invited speakers include:

Maria Albani (MPI Köln)

Martin Bayer (MPI Tübingen)

Miguel Blazquez (University of Valencia)

Thomas Dresselhaus (University of Regensburg)

Veronica Grieneisen (JIC, Norwich)

Ueli Grossniklaus (University of Zürich)

Marcus Heisler (EMBL Heidelberg)

Alexis Maizel (University of Heidelberg)

Moritz Nowak (VIB, Ghent)

Karin Schumacher (University of Heidelberg)

Dolf Weijers (University of Wageningen)

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