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(Developmental) Biology around the internet- August 2015

Posted by , on 14 August 2015

Here is August’s round-up of some of the interesting content that we spotted around the internet!


News & Research

– Ian Sussex, one of the founding fathers of plant developmental biology, recently passed away. Developmental Biology published an obituary.

– Nature jobs published several articles providing advice to new PIs: how to manage your lab budget, to serve (or not to serve) in committees, and the testimony of Samantha Morris, who has just successfully applied for her first PI position. Steve Royle also shared his tips.

– ‘Pay very careful attention to unexpected results’- Shinya Yamanka shared his thoughts in Science Careers.

– The organoids boom and what they are teaching us about human development- in Nature.

– The first iPSC clinical has been halted due to genomic issues. Paul Knoepfler covered this story here and here.

– Do biases keep LGBT scientists from coming out? Nature investigates.

– Thinking about leaving the lab? The first step is to know yourself.

– And the LMB sponsored an online exhibition on the life and work of Fred Sanger.


Weird & Wonderful

– London is currently hosting a series of DNA sculptures, to raise funds for CRUK. Do the DNA trail to see them all!

– The winning image of this year’s Wellcome Trust Image Awards was a pregnant pony uterus. This video shows some of the other similar historical specimens housed at the Royal Veterinary College in London.

– Which 10 scientists would you want by your side in a bar brawl? Here’s a potential list!

– And here is the human body reimagined as a metro map!



Beautiful & Interesting images:

– There are a lot of interesting shapes hidden in histology samples (as this twitter account attests!). How about this histology T-Rex?

– The MBL Woods Hole embryology course 2015 class decided to reproduce an historical course photo from 1893. Compare the two!  



Videos worth watching:

– Here’s a cool video showing the neural activity in a Drosophila brain. From a recent Nature Communications paper.

– And we found this fabulous movie of Xenopus development, by Nipam Patel



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