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BSDB student and postdoc survey

Posted by , on 6 October 2015

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A message from Alex Ashcroft (BSDB student rep) and Michelle Ware (BSDB postdoc rep):

The British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) has elected us as your student and postdoc reps. We now have the opportunity to give students and postdocs a voice in moving the BSDB forward.

Therefore, we are trying to gauge what you want to see included as part of the society and the meetings. We have lots of ideas and have created a short survey for students and postdocs who are BSDB members (LINK). Your feedback will be key to determine what will be worthwhile in pursuing.

As a thanks we are offering four kindles and two £30 Amazon vouchers as prizes. We’d be grateful if you could complete it by October 26th.

Many thanks,
Alex Ashcroft and Michelle Ware

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Categories: News, Societies

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