3rd Nordic meeting on development, stem cells and regeneration – abstract deadline 25th August 2022.
Posted by elke.ober@sund.ku.dk, on 22 August 2022
We are arranging a 2-day conference together with the Swedish Society for Developmental Biology (SWEDBO), Finnish Society for Developmental Biologists, and Danish & Norwegian Developmental Biologists the 3rd Nordic Meeting on Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration in Copenhagen in October 5-7th, 2022
The line up of invited speakers is outstanding and brings together experts in developmental and stem cell biology and regeneration! Attending the meeting is a great opportunity to meet with developmental biologists, from the Nordic countries and beyond. All speakers will be there ‘in person’ allowing for lots of networking.
There are many opportunities for short talks, poster prizes, and student and postdoc activities are planned in addition.
The registration is now open and it includes membership in one of the Nordic Developmental Biology associations!
Follow the link to register: https://nordicdevelopmentalbiology.com
Travel grant applications are still open: https://nordicdevelopmentalbiology.com/travel-grants/
I really hope that some of you will come to Copenhagen and join us.