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developmental and stem cell biologists

Joachim Goedhart

I am a chemist from training, with a strong interest in biology. Our lab develops genetically encoded fluorescent probes and biosensors for quantitative functional imaging with the overarching goal to unravel (G-protein) signalling networks in time and space in cells and tissues. You can follow me on twitter: @joachimgoedhart or Mastodon:


Posts by Joachim Goedhart

Visualizing data with R/ggplot2 - One more time

Posted by , on 26 June 2018

Experiments are rarely performed in isolation. Usually, several conditions are compared in parallel or sequential experiments. This experimental strategy also applies to time-dependent data, e.g. from timelapse imaging. So, naturally, ...

Visualizing data with R/ggplot2 - It’s about time

Posted by , on 31 May 2018

The visualization of temporal data by line graphs has been documented and popularized by William Playfair in the 18th century (Aigner et al, 2011; Beniger and Robyn, 1978). Today, time-dependent changes ...

A better bar

Posted by , on 18 April 2018

After leaving the bar, what are we to do? I propose to move on to a better bar (and I hope that you will not be disappointed when you find ...

A tribute to parrots

Posted by , on 5 April 2018

In a previous blog, I have disgraced parrots by associating them with P-values and discrediting them for their mechanic repetition. Nevertheless, I admire the vivid colours of these multifaceted birds. ...

Prevent p-value parroting

Posted by , on 1 February 2018

Recently, Nature published my correspondence “Dispense with redundant P values”. It highlights my concern that p-values are often calculated because “everybody does it”. This reminded me of the mechanical repetition ...

Recent comments by Joachim Goedhart

A follow-up of this post is available:
by Joachim Goedhart in Converting excellent spreadsheets to tidy data on September 29, 2020