The community site for and by
developmental and stem cell biologists

Lindsay Henderson

Academic Liaison for the Roslin institute's National Avian Research Facility (NARF). The NARF provides avian resources for developmental biologists.  


Posts by Lindsay Henderson

Reviews of the Edinburgh Gallus Genomics and Embryonic Development (EGGED) Workshop 2022

Posted by , on 14 September 2022

Mel White, a Principal Investigator and Lakshmi Balasubramaniam, a Postdoctoral Researcher, both attendees of EGGED 2022, provide accounts of their experiences at the workshop in July.

Featured resource: The National Avian Research Facility, UK

Posted by , on 9 November 2021

Doing great science depends on teamwork, whether this is within the lab or in collaboration with other labs. However, sometimes the resources that support our work can be overlooked.

The Edinburgh Gallus Genome and Embryonic Development (EGGED) Workshop in 2022

Posted by , on 21 October 2021

Register your interest by October 31st 2021 for the Edinburgh Gallus Genome and Embryonic Development (EGGED) Workshop in 2022. EGGED 2022 will run on the 12-15th of July 2022 at ...