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Posted by the Node Interviews, on 15 October 2020
This interview, the 79th in our series, was published in Development earlier this year. Cortical development involves a switch from the self-amplification of stem cells to the generation of neuron and glia ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 30 September 2020
This interview, the 78th in our series, was published in Development earlier this year. Optic cup development involves a series of intricate cell and tissue movements, and cells’ interaction with the extracellular ...Posted by Aidan Maartens, on 7 September 2020
Last October I had the great pleasure of interviewing Trudi Schüpbach for Development in Buenos Aires. We were at the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology meeting (check out the ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 26 August 2020
This interview, the 77th in our series, was published in Development earlier this year. During development, the establishment of directional left-right (L-R) asymmetry is crucial for the correct positioning of ...Posted by Annabel Nicholson, on 14 July 2020
Alistair McGregor’s group at Oxford Brookes University uses Drosophila and the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum to understand how different shapes and sizes of animals evolve. Back in 2016, two ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 29 June 2020
Of the many virtual seminar series that have sprung up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, one in particular caught our eye – the New PIs in Cell and Developmental ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 27 May 2020
This interview, the 76th in our series, was published in Development earlier this year. Interneurons are crucial to cortical function and their dysregulation has been implicated in various neurological pathologies, ...Posted by the Node, on 18 March 2020
BSDB/GenSoc 2020 had a fantastic planned line up of plenary speakers. Over the past three days we managed to sit down for a virtual chat with five of them – ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 20 February 2020
This interview, the 75th in our series, was recently published in Development. Our understanding of lineage decisions in early human development has been greatly aided by embryonic stem cell lines, which ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 29 January 2020
This interview, the 74th in our series, was recently published in Development. Dysregulated activity of cell surface proteolytic enzymes has a wide range of developmental and pathological consequences, but the underlying ...