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Posted by IRBBarcelona, on 3 October 2016
From today and until Wednesday, 150 scientists from around the world will debate plasticity and cell migration in the new gathering in the Barcelona Biomed Conference Series, organised by IRB ...Posted by Tatjana Piotrowski, on 29 September 2016
We are seeking a passionate, outstanding postdoctoral fellow to join the Piotrowski lab at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, Missouri. Research in the lab focuses on ...Posted by tschwarz-romond, on 26 August 2016 Sense & Sensibility: niche signals regulate neural stem cells in an age-dependent manner paper feature by Thomas Schwarz-Romond Tissue specific stem cell niches provide lifelong support for adult stem ...Posted by EuroStemCell, on 26 August 2016
This post was originally posted on, Europe’s stem cell hub. by Julia Turan Part of the fascinating potential of stem cells is their ability to provide replacement cells and ...Posted by Abcam Events, on 17 August 2016
Register here: Interested in understanding RNA-seq and its application to the study of oligodendrocyte heterogeneity? Join Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco and Dr Amit Zeisel, of the the Department of Medical Biochemistry ...Posted by Andrea Münsterberg, on 12 August 2016
A postdoctoral position is available for a bioinformatician to investigate the mechanisms by which microRNAs, transcription factors and developmental signals control skeletal and cardiac muscle differentiation. The post is based ...