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Posted by Eva Amsen, on 7 April 2011
You’ve seen the news: ES cells generate a 3D retinal structure. But what does this tell us about eye development? In the developing embryo, the first step toward a functional ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 10 March 2011
[updated 25/3/2011] Video was temporarily removed from Vimeo. Will repost it when it’s back up.Posted by the Node, on 8 March 2011
Congratulations to Sarah A. Elliott (University of Utah) and Nobuo Ueda (University of Queensland), whose image of a sea urchin eating seaweed will appear on a cover of Development later ...Posted by Linda, on 18 February 2011
“A researcher is found dead hunched over her lab bench, and seven suspects are in custody. Now it’s up to 30 high school students to determine who killed her.” To quote ...Posted by Linda, on 17 February 2011
I’ve no doubt that this is what they’d say: Or maybe this is what they really sound like and Sir David Attenborough refused to share this with us on the BBC. ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 24 January 2011
Is this Monday not quite giving you the results you were hoping for? Cheer up with a few science music videos. This one, “Bad Project”, is being emailed around rapidly ...Posted by Jon Moulton, on 10 January 2011
Open-access video protocol for electroporating into zebrafish earsPosted by Eva Amsen, on 30 December 2010
Each year in early December, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute hosts a series of educational seminars, called the Holiday Lectures, in which researchers explain the very basic concepts of their ...Posted by Bruno Vellutini, on 6 December 2010
“I also here salute the echinoderms as a noble group especially designed to puzzle the zoologist.” Libbie Hyman, 1955 Echinoderms are fascinating creatures. They have extensive regenerative capabilities, a mutable ...Posted by cshperspectives, on 12 November 2010
Cold Spring Harbor has just published a new book on cell death by Doug Green, a larger-than-life character who will be familiar to anyone who’s ever been to an apoptosis ...