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developmental and stem cell biologists

Development Editors Meeting

Posted by , on 19 July 2010

On July 9, the editors of Development met in Strasbourg (or joined over the phone) for a meeting. Because Development‘s editors are spread out all over the world, these meetings are a rare opportunity to get everyone together to discuss the journal. Editors all get a chance to share ideas they have for the journal, and discuss what is happening in their respective fields.

The meeting was also a great opportunity to get some Development editors and The Company of Biologists directors in a photo together:

From left to right: Eva Amsen (Online Editor, the Node), Austin Smith, Seema Grewal (Reviews Editor), Olivier Pourquié (Editor in Chief), Rong Li, Steve Wilson, Claire Moulton (The Company of Biologists, Publisher), Ken Zaret, James Briscoe (The Company of Biologists, Director), Kate Storey (The Company of Biologists, Director)

Our Editor in Chief, Olivier Pourquié, is director of the IGBMC just outside of Strasbourg, so he was kind enough to offer us meeting space there. Those of us who arrived in Strasbourg the day before had a bit of time to explore the city and enjoy a nice dinner on the eve of the meeting.

It was a productive meeting (when we figured out how to work the speaker-phone for the conference callers!) and we all went back with lots of new ideas for the journal. The Node was also on the program, and I was able to show the first two weeks of Node statistics and feedback. I got some suggestions and ideas for topics and features on the site, so you’re hopefully all benefiting from this meeting in a very indirect way!

(And since the dinner pictures all turned out much too dark, you’re getting a bonus sunny Strasbourg photo!)

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