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developmental and stem cell biologists

Travelling to a conference? Apply now for a DMM travel grant!

Posted by , on 9 March 2016

Are you interested in attending a meeting or course in a DMM-relevant field? Apply for one of our travel grants of up to £600 (or currency equivalent). The first application deadline is 29 April 2016.

Applicants will usually be PhD students and postdoctoral researchers at the beginning of their research careers, who will use the funding to support their travel to relevant scientific meetings. We also welcome applications from independent group leaders and PIs with no independent funding, seeking support to attend meetings, conferences, workshops, practical courses, PI laboratory management courses and courses to re-train.

For further information and to download an application form, go to our travel grant page.

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Categories: Funding, News

2 thoughts on “Travelling to a conference? Apply now for a DMM travel grant!”

  1. I have applied for the DMM travel grant to attend the ASCB EMBO 2017 meeting , December 2017. Would it be possible to tell me when they are going to announce it.
    Thank You
    Bhawik Kumar Jain

    1. Hi Bhawik – I just contacted the Grants and Fellowships team and the grant awards should be coming out today, good luck! Aidan, the Node

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