drosophila.me – manage your fly stocks and crosses
Posted by Mario Metzler, on 26 February 2016
Some time ago I wrote about a webpage I’ve created to manage genetic fly crosses.
In that past post, I’ve promised a new version of the software, and I’m happy to announce it here.
The software can be reached under the address http://drosophila.me. Many many things changed from the previous version, some features:
- User accounts
- Your crosses are saved by default, you can use the software as a sort of digital genetic notebook
- Crosses can be shared with colleagues (or with a qr code on a poster during a conference)
- Cross history can be followed over generations
- User can establish an own stock list and cross directly from it
- Several visualisations of a cross: punnett square, genotypes, curly bracket view
- Smartphone friendly
A web app as complex as drosophila.me is quite a code monster, and as I’m the only developer (for now), there might still be some glitches. I usually can solve them quickly, so let me know about it :)
I hope this tool will be useful for the community.
Welcome screen
Cross notebook
Genotypes view
Punnett square view
Curly bracket view
Stock list
Hi there Mario!
First of all thank you for this app from a fellow UniBasel student :) It has greatly helped me to stay organized during my work. Currently, I am writing my Master thesis, and it would be really helpful to have an option to download all the cross schemes as a pdf to paste into my text. How would you recommend to input the cross schemes into my word doc most efficiently?
Thanks again.