Essay series: Equity, diversity and inclusion in cell biology
Posted by mpalfy, on 23 November 2021

Journal of Cell Science is pleased to invite submissions for the first JCS essay series. The theme is ‘Equity, diversity and inclusion in cell biology’, an important, relevant and timely issue that should be a guiding force in all that we do. We hear the terms being used more and more these days, but we’re all still early in the journey, and at JCS we want to create an opportunity to amplify voices that are not always heard in this space. Has equity, diversity and/or inclusion shaped your experience as a cell biologist in some way? We want to hear about and learn from your stories. We will publish a selection of submissions in the journal in an ongoing series and reward a stand-out essay from the initial call, chosen by a selection of our Editors and Editorial Advisory Board members, with a £500 prize.
All essays must be original pieces that have not been previously published. Any cell biologist at any career stage can submit an essay. Submissions must not be more than 2,000 words and can include figures and images. Please send your essay to
The closing date has been extended to 15 January 2022.