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Images for ‘BodyWorks’ Exhibtion @ Glasgow Science Centre – March 2013

Posted by , on 24 September 2012

Hello Everyone,

I represent one of two PhD students from the lab of Dr Kim Dale at the University of Dundee currently engaged in designing an exhibit for the new exhibition ‘BodyWorks’ at the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC) due to open in March next year. The exhibition itself, which will be based on the whole of the third floor of the GSC, contains 115 exhibits and will be open for a minimum of 5 years over which time it is anticipated reach 2 million plus visitors. The exhibition will endeavour to engage the public in the development and everyday workings of the human body and inform them of current research.

As embryologists, my colleague and I have been entrusted with designing the exhibit ‘Find the Human.’ The exhibit is designed to communicate the similarity of vertebrate species during early development and thus help the public better understand the value of research which employs the use of model organisms.  As an interactive exhibit, members of the public will try to match different embryonic stages of development for 4 different species on a series of tumble drums; which hopefully will prove to be more difficult than they may expect!

Our role in designing this exhibit is to source high resolution images (300dpi) for 4 equivalent developmental stages in 4/5 different species; human, mouse, chick, bat and turtle – it is in this aspect we ask for your help!

We are looking for images of embryonic stages which summarise early prenatal development, but would gladly accept any relevant images that you may wish to share for possible use in the exhibition. This is a fantastic public engagement opportunity which has the potential inspire new generations of young scientists and increase public awareness of current scientific research in developmental biology.

If you think you may be able to lend a hand in our search for these images, please contact:

For details of the forthcoming BodyWorks exhibition @ Glasgow Science Centre and to find out how exhibition development is going, visit:


I would like to thank you for your time and convey our appreciation for any assistance you could provide to help us source these images.

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Categories: Events, Images, Outreach

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