May the 4th (Be With You) – Registration is now open for YEN 2021!
Posted by Michelle Neumann, on 15 March 2021
The annual Young Embryologist Network Conference is happening this year on May 4th! Put the date in your calendars now!
YEN is thrilled to announce that Nobel Laureate Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard from the Max Planck Institute of Developmental Biology in Tübingen, Germany will present this year’s Sammy Lee Memorial Lecture. We are also honoured to host two special speakers: Matthias Lutolf from EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland and Alexander Aulehla from EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany. Finally, we are delighted that Marianne Bronner from Caltech, USA, Ana Pombo from MDC Berlin, Germany and Patrick P.L. Tam from CMRI, Australia will share invaluable insights from their life as a scientist in our “Scientific Perspectives” session.

YEN 2021 will be held entirely online, which will allow for unprecedented international participation. Spread the word, and let us take the Young Embryologist Network worldwide!
Talks will be held throughout the day, beginning at 9.15am (BST). We will be using the online conference platform Remo, enabling us to recapitulate that in-person networking feeling of conferences that we are all missing. Interactive poster sessions will also be held via Remo, with further discussions taking place in dedicated Slack channels both during and after the event.
Register here to submit an abstract or to attend as a delegate (and hear what your fellow young embryologists are up to). Registration is free and the deadline for abstract submission is April 4th, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!