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developmental and stem cell biologists

Meeting deadlines for your calendar

Posted by , on 24 October 2013

calendar_monthThe next few months will see several interesting meetings, and deadlines are approaching. Here are some dates for your diary:


Registrations still available:

– The joint meeting of the French Society for Developmental Biology and the French Society for Genetics will take place in Avignon from the 12th to the 15th of November, and registrations are still being accepted. Cat from The Node will also be attending this meeting, and she looks forward to meeting any of you attending!

– The American Society for Cell Biology meeting in New Orleans will still be accepting registrations (no longer at reduced rate unfortunately!) until the meeting on the 14th of December.


Coming deadlines:

31st October: Abstract deadline for the EMBO workshop on mechanisms of neuronal remodelling. Registration deadline: 31st December (March, Israel)

4th November: Discounted abstract an scholarship deadline for Keynote Symposium on Cilia, Development and Disease. Discounted registration deadline: 7th January (March, California)

6th November: Abstract deadline for Keystone Symposium on Developmental Pathways & Cancer and Stem Cells & Cancer. Discounted registration deadline: 3rd December (February, Canada)

7th November: Abstract deadline for Keystone Symposium on Plant Signalling. Discounted registration deadline: 5th December (February, Colorado)

5th December: Discounted abstract and scholarship deadline for Keystone Symposium on Epigenetic Programming and Inheritance. Discounted registration deadline: 4th February (April, Massachusetts)

9th December: Abstract deadline for the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Discounted registration deadline: 21st January (March, California)

10th December: Discounted abstract and scholarship deadline for Keystone Symposium on Stem Cells & Reprogramming. Discounted registration deadline: 6th February (April, California)

13th December: Registration deadline for RIKEN CDB Symposium: Regeneration of Organs (March, Japan)


– Registration is also open for the BSCB/BSDB joint Spring Meeting, which will take place in March at the University of Warwick. Early bird registration deadline is the 7th of February.


As usual you can check the full list of meetings in our events calendar, and you can add your own meeting if you are a registered as a user.

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