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developmental and stem cell biologists

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Meeting reports

First hand reports from meetings, workshops and courses.

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SpotOn London

Posted by , on 20 November 2012

Last week I attended SpotOn London – a conference focused entirely on the role of the Internet on research, science outreach, science policy, tools, and related topics. There were talks …
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Cycles and cell cycles – EMBO meeting day 1

Posted by , on 23 September 2012

The fourth annual EMBO meeting is currently underway in Nice. I had a few hours to walk around the city before the meeting started, and discovered that Nice is a …

Back from the MBL

Posted by , on 22 July 2012

I take on the story where my colleagues left it, one week now after leaving MBL and the embryology course behind. Settled into my normal life, I look back and …

Transcending boundaries: MBL Embryology 2012

Posted by , on 6 July 2012

The most striking realization I have had over the course of last four weeks spent at MBL, Woods Hole is how limitless is the scientific spirit . Pioneers of classical …

Science – The Bigger Picture

Posted by , on 1 May 2011

This is a retelling of the student and post-doc workshop from the second day of the BSDB/BSCB joint spring meeting that took place in Canterbury at the University of Kent. …

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The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publishing organisation dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. Our events establish and grow important networking opportunities for scientists. Find out more about our Workshops, our Journal Meetings, and our Sustainable Conferencing Initiative.

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Updated on 14 October 2021