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Posted by S Serena Ding, on 3 March 2014
I am Serena Ding, a third year PhD student, and I work at the University of Oxford’s Biochemistry Department in the United Kingdom. I am interested in the control of ...Posted by Jo Jack, on 3 March 2014
Organisation: Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Studentship starting: 01 October 2014 Application Deadline: 1st April 2014 Interview Date: 29th April 2014 Programme Overview This studentship is targeted to ...Posted by Jo Jack, on 3 March 2014
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Hendrich, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge Microsoft Research Supervisor: Prof. Stephen Emmott Application Deadline: 30 March 2014 PhD Start Date: 01 October 2014 Project Summary Embryonic stem ...Posted by James Briscoe, on 2 March 2014
DEVELOPMENTAL PATTERNING OF THE VERTEBRATE NERVOUS SYSTEM NIMR project supervisor: James Briscoe (Developmental Biology) The complex tissues and organs of every multicellular organism develop in a precise and reproducible manner ...Posted by dirimia, on 1 March 2014
The first ever World Dicty Race will require cells to navigate a complex microfluidic maze to reach a pool of chemoattractant at the finish line. Diffusion of the chemoattractant will ...Posted by the Node, on 1 March 2014
The Node was full of activity in February. Here are some of the highlights! Research: – Jennifer Fish and Richard Schneider wrote about their recent paper studying jaw ...Posted by Christele Gonneau, on 28 February 2014
When it comes to stem cell biology, there have been very few topics as fascinating and popular as cell reprogramming, the most famous reprogramming experiment being the one of Dolly ...Posted by Alison Woollard, on 27 February 2014
On receiving an e-mail from the Royal Institution back in March 2013 inviting me to submit a proposal for the delivery of the CHRISTMAS LECTURES, my first reaction was to ...Posted by Angela Giangrande, on 27 February 2014
The 1st joint meeting between the French Society of Developmental Biology (SFBD) and the network of functional studies in model organisms (EFOR) took place in Paris between the 10th and ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 27 February 2014
It’s been a while since I last wrote on the Node, but I have something to share that ties in to a project I started while I was still the ...