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Post-doc position in evolution and development in Paris

Posted by , on 31 January 2013

Closing Date: 15 March 2021

A two-year post-doctoral positionis available in the group of Guillaume Balavoine and Michel Vervoort ( at the Institut Jacques Monod (IJM) in Paris (France). The IJM is a leading French biological research institute, comprising about 25 interactive research groups and high-quality technological facilities, including a cutting-edge imaging platform.

The primary research focus of the group is to reconstruct the early stages of animal evolution, by comparing the genetic networks that regulate the developmental patterning of key aspects of the body plan across metazoans. The main model studied by the group is the annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii, an emerging model species. Platynereis is a member of the Spiralian/Lophotrochozoan branch of the bilaterian tree and is hypothesized to be as close to a “bilaterian living fossil” as a bilaterian can be, both in terms of genome organization and body plan.

The post-doc project aims at understanding and modelling cell movements and cell shape changes that direct CNS and segment morphogenesis in Platynereis, as well as determining the roles of the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) and Rho/ROCK/MyoII pathways in these behaviours. The project will be centered on the use of live imaging, molecular and modelling tools.

Candidates should have a strong background in developmental and/or evolutionary biology. Expertise in live imaging would also be welcome. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in developmental or evolutionary biology and have at least one first author publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Potential candidates should send their application by mail to Guillaume Balavoine (balavoine.guillaume[at] and Michel Vervoort (vervoort.michel[at] with a statement of interest, a Curriculum Vitae and contact informations for two referees.

The position will remain open until filled; however applications received by March 15th 2013 will be given priority. The starting date is flexible (in 2013), with an early date preferred.

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