Postdoc position in cnidarian stem cells and regeneration
Posted by, on 4 June 2019
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
A postdoc position is available in Uri Frank’s lab in Centre for Chromosome Biology, National University of Ireland, Galway. We study stem cells and regeneration in the cnidarian Hydractinia. This animal can regenerate a whole body from only tiny tissue fragments and is amenable to genome editing, live imaging, cell sorting by FACS, and transplantation. Due to its small size and translucent body, Hydractinia allows performing in vivo experiments that are difficult or impossible to conduct with most other animal models.
The research will be on the molecular mechanisms that drive cellular reprogramming during whole body regeneration in the absence of stem cells. For details, email Uri at <>. The position is funded by Wellcome Trust.
Read about our lab here:
You can see Hydractinia on The Node’s next year calendar: