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developmental and stem cell biologists

Promoting yourself as an ECR – an event hosted by FocalPlane, the Node and preLights

Posted by , on 10 February 2022

One of the key objectives of the Node Network is to allow scientists, especially early-career researchers (ECRs), to raise their profiles in the developmental and stem cell biology community. With this in mind, and as part of our second birthday celebrations, we are delighted to launch our discussion and networking event, ‘Promoting yourself as an ECR’ hosted with our sister community sites FocalPlane and preLights. The interactive event will begin with a panel discussion with our three invited panellists Maria Abou Chakra, Pablo Sáez and Sarvenaz Sarabipour and then continue with a networking event where you can meet the panellists, representatives from The Company of Biologists and other ECRs.

Dr Maria Abou Chakra is a research associate at the University of Toronto, where her research focuses on mathematical modelling of stem cell development. She is the organiser of the Modelling Cell Development & Regeneration Discussion Group, as well as having been involved in outreach, mentorship and EDI events.

Professor Pablo J. Sáez is a new PI at UKE, Hamburg, where his international team is studying the role of cell communication and migration, with a particular focus on immune cells. Pablo is a regular contributor to our preprint posts on FocalPlane, and is an advocate for better representation for ECRs in academic conferences.

Dr Sarvenaz Sarabipour is an assistant research scientist at Johns Hopkins University, where her research focuses on receptor signalling networks at the cell and tissue level. As well as her scientific interests, she is an active advocate for ECRs, open science, mentorship, and diversity in science.

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